Dream Now

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There is music that goes for something later in the chapter. You don't need to listen to it of course but adds some...emotion? Feel? Something more tugging on your emotions. It just goes well with a certain part since I wrote it listening to it. I'll tell you when

I woke up to Sunny laying on me. His chest on me and head nuzzled into my neck. Flushing to this I tried to push him off, but he was too heavy, he stirred and wrapped his arms around me. I squeaked to this and tried to poke him away. Nothing.
He groaned and rolled over with me now laying on his chest. His warmth was enveloping me, heat raising to my face as his hands engulfed my back, gripping onto me. Staring at his sun face I tried not to die from embarrassment.
I breathed in his scent, I never noticed but he smelled of vanilla.

I don't know why but their scents are different yet there the same person? Body?? I don't care I just wanted to stay like this...maybe this isn't so bad...

I buried into his chest, and he clung to me more as he groaned in his sleep again and sighed. I felt him stretch his legs and yawned with a cracked voice. Then he chuckled?

Wait is he awake?!

Jolting up I see him staring at me smiling gently.

-" Oh, your awake? Oops should've kept quiet." He stuck his tongue out and I jolted back off him.

• " When did you have a tongue?!"

-" Oh....you didn't know?" He sat up and stared down at me as he opened his mouth and stuck it out. With saliva that ran down it, or it seemed at least.

I slowly got closer as I examined it, curious of how but also if it's real. When he sat, he was so much bigger than me and it gave me chills. He smiled at this, still tongue hanging out. I flushed a pink hue as I gently touched it. He flinched at the unexpected touch and tilted his head in confusion. It felt warm, it did feel real too. I rubbed my finger against it lightly and drew back.
Sunny was flushed, a pink hue risen on his cheeks and drew it back.

-" Like what you see sunshine?" He smiles and kisses my forehead. I turned a bright red from this and stared at him, he blushed as well and stood up and ran away hiding his face.

• " SUNNY!! Where you're going?!" I yelled as I chased after him.

-" I DONT KNOW!! IN MY TOWER!" He runs and stops, jumping up into his tower and ran closing the curtains.

I sighed, giving up and walking away. 

Well, I have tasks to do anyway since it's 12:30 now.

Checking my watch, I gulped at what I saw.

" Check Monty in the parts and service room and make sure he is running well." I looked at the tower and back forward and sighed.

I know I shouldn't do this, but Sunny wouldn't let me go if I tell him. I walk out and head to parts in service with my flashlight.

This better be good.

I finally made it down there; it was pretty dark and had to use my flashlight the whole way there. Seeing a huge cylinder cage? Box? I don't know but there sat Monty in the chair. He looked to be turned off and connected to some wires. There on the outside I had saw a computer which looked to be pretty easy to use. The only thing I didn't like was the ENDOSKELETONS IN ALL THE CAGES BANGING AROUND THAT SHIT THERE IS FUCKEN CREEPY!!
Slowly making my way over there I had logged in and all the instructions were there to my disposal.

"Monty Fix-up:
1: Run a scan on him for internal damage
2: Run monitor for external damage and fix them with guidance of our bot.
3: Check for any unseen ones
4: Run his program and make sure he isn't broken
5. Take him back to his room once done

(P.s. this is your only task for tonight!)

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