Light to Dark

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This darkness...why is it so heavy??

My breathing became heavy as my chest began to tighten. Like I was be suffocated, trembling arms and legs began to crumble under me. I wasn't afraid, no I was not but I felt like prey to a dark force, a predator.

Then it hit me, the smell. It grew stronger filling my senses with nothing but death. A heavy breathe consumed the back of my neck.
Hot and musky breathe breathed on my neck with a heavy sighs and cracks. It cackled low and deep, laughing at the reaction and expression of its victim.

I foooouuunnd you y/n.

It laughs darker with a sinister cackle in it. I couldn't breathe still and felt myself collapse down the slide. Sliding onto the bottom of the slide. I felt numb and weak, my eyes began to get heavy as felt the darkness beginning to consume me. Only thing I could feel before it all went black was the strands of warm liquid run down cheeks.

Moons' POV

Where is that trouble maker.

I don't know where that troublemaker went but I need to find her. These couple days have been rough cause of them. Well I should really say cause of me, they have been rough on her.

I clench my fist as I wonder around the daycare area trying not to wake up the children. I was upset with myself for saying horrible things to her still and upsetting her. I can't just let her wonder off again. I fear she will disappear again if I don't watch her. Nothing could harm her while she's with me. But that doesn't mean someone or something can't sneak in. I've caught some naughty adults brake in at night while on patrol and adults disturbing the children's nap time also. They least happen during the day but it never means they don't.

I must watch her, she's to important to Sunny....She's to important to us.

Something clicked, a gear shift. Somethings wrong, somethings here.

I turn around and scan the area.
Children: stable

Children asleep and safe

Staff detected: 1


Staff: unreadable

Why can't I scan her?

I frown not able to scan her vitals, she may be too far, but it doesn't make sense if she is close enough to read her presence.

Something isn't right.

Before I could do anything further, I had picked up a smell. It was God awful! I had scrunched up my nose from how bad it was. It smelled of death, misery and malice.
I looked back at the children and checked to make sure they are alright. None seemed to be disturbed or moving so it seems it's alright. But the smell wasn't around them. It only seems to be in that area. I walked back over to the area, I heard something, a light thud and squeak.

It's from the play area.

I did a thorough scan quickly.

Staff: 1...2....

Oh no...

I quickly made my way over and I froze.
All I could see was Y/n in the slide halfway out unconscious. The smell was coming from here it can't be from here no-I'd rather not think that way.

Staff: unresponsive
Statis: unstable

I contorted my face and quickly grabbed her gently as I picked her up. There she layed limp in my arms. I could see tears had runned down her face. She looked in pain.

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