Chapter 33

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Two years later


My feet splashed through the muddy puddles littering my gloomy campus. My hair was drenched. I was late for class, the only class I bother going to. Botany class. I'm the only guy there, surrounded by these chicks who think I'm there for their attention.

I watch as the trees get their fill of water, the leaves already getting greener. I will say my campus is beautiful, it reminds me of her. Even though it shouldn't have. Even though we were two years past our expiry date. Sophia will always be with me, forever.

"August, you're late" I look at Louise holding the door for me. The black haired girl stomping her foot on the concrete. I hadn't thought it would rain today. So my hoodie and jeans were soaked and I would bet my coffee was now watered down. "Late night" I simply answer, shaking my slightly darker hair free from water. 

She jabbed me in my gut with her elbow. Not so quietly asking if I meant sex. I shook my head and glared at her. I was too busy skimming through flights to London. Not that I would ever need to go, it was somewhat of a comfort knowing I could, if she ever needed me too. Even though she hasn't needed me in two years now. "Nah, just studying, Louise" I lied through my teeth as we walked into the classroom, our female professor already talking about todays lesson. 

She's talking about daisies.

I sat down on the hard chair and grabbed my notes, It had become routine to start drawing down the Daisy, I've obsessed over it for quite some time now. This class made me feel as close to her as I possibly could if I wanted to honour her wish. "Anyone want to guess what daisies are used for?" Nobody around me seemed to want to answer, not even Louise which was a first. My hand was up before I could even think. I wouldn't normally say anything. "Normal things like coughs, bronchitis, liver issues. It is sometimes used to prevent complication when it comes to blood, like childbirth" I knew everything there was to know about daisies, a ghost of a smile coated my face. I knew everything about Daisy.

Miss Spelt looked me in the eye, she bit her lip, she probably thought she was being seductive. "Very good Mr. Stead. Do you know what they represent?" The corners of my lips tugged further upwards at the question. Memories of Sophia filled my mind as I uttered the words. "Innocence and purity" Sophia was innocent before me. Before Killian died as well. She was a daisy, now she's grown to be a peony.

Brave and loving. 

We both ruined her to the point of no return, yet I could've prevented it, Killian unfortunately couldn't. I still wonder if she misses me, thinks of me, stops herself from crying over me, wants me. I wonder if she spreads her legs and rolls her eyes to the back of her head at the thought of me. Or if when she's with someone else she thinks it's me. I don't let myself think that she has moved on from us. That she is with someone else, I factually know it, but I don't imagine it. No that would destroy the little that is left of me, so I keep my head above water by thinking of everything else she would be doing in London.

How she would braid her hair before tidying her university dorm. She's had many assignments lately so her room was extremely messy. And then she'd complain about laundry and how the building's machines don't work properly and how no one fixes it even after she's complained. I imagine her surrounded with friends, new ones, the ones that make her happy and defend her. All girls of course, no boys because she's not ready for that.

She FaceTimes Xaviar all the time. I know he stayed here, in the States. Even though he had gotten the offer to go back to France he declined. I have no idea why, but I don't think France treated him right. Evelyn gives me small bits of information here and there, I FaceTime her for Charlotte mainly. Sophia was right about Xaviar's future. He's studying fashion and he's quite good. Has many followers on Instagram and Tik Tok. I'm proud of him, I also follow him. go to be supportive.

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