Chapter 6

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Dad dropped me off outside our house before driving to work. I don't understand how he has the energy after being up all night. I walked inside our big house, as small footsteps rapidly ran towards me. "Bubba!" Was screamed as the little five year old tackled my cold, sweaty legs. I looked down and was greeted with big green eyes. They shone with playfulness. I stuck my tongue at her as I patted her curls. They just bounced back. She looks like a doll, a beautiful porcelain doll. I just know when she grows up she will be so fucking beautiful.

"I'm glad you're back precious" I look up to see my mum smiling at me. She walks towards me and hugs me. Her arms wound around me tightly. "You go take a shower, I've got the day off anyways" I smile as I pick up the little girl and twirled around. I'm happy mum gets to have a day off. She works too hard and too much, she deserves a break. And if me having a meltdown made that happen, I don't even feel a little bit guilty.

Athena's little outfit was a dark blue hoodie and leggings. Her feet were bare, I watched her wiggle her little toes. She had glittery toe nails. "Hi baby" I greeted as I walked with shaky legs toward the couch. I needed to sit down just a little, I was tired and my body had given up after all that running. Athena was sat on my lap as I heard mum make some food. "Where were you, bubba? You weren't here this morning when I went to wake you up" Her question was so innocent, yet she made me feel so guilty.

I smiled and I kissed her cheek. I didn't want to lie, but in this situation I didn't wanna say the truth. She is too young to understand what's going on. A white lie won't hurt her. "I was with August. He's my friend and he wanted a sleepover. So I said I'd go play with him" She giggled at the information. I felt even guiltier but I shouldn't be. I didn't do anything wrong. I don't wanna talk about Killian now anyways. She knows that Killian was a part of us anyway. She knows.

One day I'll tell her all about him. I'll even show her some videos of him, our silly photos. Whatever she wants to, so she can feel a little more connected to him. But she's still only five. August seemed like the most trust worthy alibi, I was also much more comfortable saying his name. The only other friend I really have is Oscar.I don't really wanna sleepover at his house. His dad's a dickhead and I think Athena on some level knows that.

'Thena smooshes my face with her small hands to get the focus back on her. Omg, my eyes are dry. "I wanna meet Auggie. He seems cool!" She exclaimed with big arm gestures. I smiled at the adorable faces this little darling made. One day she'd meet him, it was inevitable if I were to become friends with him. I still haven't made my mind up about it yet. I just know I regret opening up to him, however safe I felt at the time. "Maybe one day" I exclaimed back. I put her down next to me and grabbed the remote. Would she meet him? Would I meet soft August again? Or was the soft just an act?

I turned to look at her chubby face again. "How about I put on Sophia the first for you and I go take a shower and when I'm done you and I watch the rest together? How does that sound darling?" I offered with a smile. I desperately needed a shower I smelled like sweat and dirt. My body was desperately calling me to go shower with my strawberry body wash and warm water.

"Okie dokie" Athena smiled as I put on Sophia The First for her. Apparently I'm just like Sophia, she had said. My face and hair looked the same as hers I'd been told. I smiled at her, pinching her cheek softly before dragging my body up the long, extravagant stairs. I peeled my shirt and sports bra off in my bathroom. My yoga pants went off easily and so did my panties. I left it in a pile on the floor as the room fogged up from the shower. It felt amazing, the warmth filled me as did the wonderful scents from my soaps.

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