Chapter 16

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A knock on my bedroom door interrupted me. I had only just come home from the amazing day with August. I was currently newly showered and watching Miraculous ladybug. "Come in" I called out as I sat up properly and paused the show. Evelyn came in, her hands cradling her small bump. She was wearing those silly unicorn slippers I got her for christmas last year. I smiled as I looked at her stomach. They had both done the responsible thing and told mum and dad not long ago over dinner. I had decided to not join, just because I didn't want it to be awkward. Ultimately they were worried but otherwise fully supportive. Dad even told them they would help financially.

"Evelyn?" I called out, wondering if this was again a sympathy question if we could go get pickles and vanilla ice cream. These days she couldn't hold much food in so when she craved something we were quick to buy it. I'm actually surprised Philip isn't here. Evelyn sobbed as she looked at me. Her plant green eyes were slightly dilated, her mouth set in a deep frown as she sobbed. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran up to her.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" I asked frantically as I pulled her in my arms. She cried into my shoulder, her whole form shaking. My t-shirt was quickly getting soaked. "It hurts" She sobbed as I rubbed her back. What hurt? What was going on, I pulled her out at armslength. That's when I saw the blood dripping down from her shorts to her thighs and to the pool on my carpet. "Oh my god!" I screamed. I pulled away and turned around, grabbing my phone and keys. Grabbing her arm I ran downstairs with her. Not really caring that none of us were dressed properly.

Everyone was gone for the evening, we were home alone for the first time in a while. She was still sobbing as I strapped her in my car, her nails scratching at my arms. She kept mumbling about getting blood on the seats, I just ignored it. My body was shaking from the fear of losing that child. I quickly pulled away from her grip and ran to my side. The car ride felt like years, and when I pulled up at the hospital she was quiet again. Her form still shakey but quiet. I hadn't called Philip yet. I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell him he was maybe losing his child.

I got her out of the car, all of her weight on my shoulders. My socks became cold, wet I hadn't even noticed the rain. "Help! Please help us!" I yelled the moment we got inside the emergency room. Everyone turned their head towards us, a nurse came running towards us as Evelyn collapsed on the floor. Tears spilled down my face as I yelled for help. "Please just help my sister!" I screamed out as a doctor crouched down to her. "Get her on a bed!" He yelled before they took her away. A small trail of her blood soon following.

My eyes stayed glued to where she had just laid. The hair on my arms were raised from the cold as I hugged myself. I couldn't lose another one. Evelyn deserved a child, she deserved to be happy. "Baby?" I flinched as colder hands touched my arms. I looked up into warm brown eyes, golden flecks swirling around in them. Her eyes matched her skin tone, her raven coloured hair was pulled into a slick bun. She looked beautiful resembling like mother nature. Shouldn't she be with my sister?

"Can you come with me please, baby?" She asked gently as I looked down at her tag. Noora. What a pretty name. Wait what are we doing again? I thought as she helped me into a different room. The room was cold, the colours that is. Purples and blues. It made me even sadder, why have sad colours in a hospital? I sat down on one of the hard plastic chairs. "Can you tell me what happened?" Noora asked gently, her voice sounded mature. As if she had been through a lot, as if she was a mother herself. I looked down at my thumbs as I picked on the damaged skin around my nails. It's a bad, bad habit.

My tummy was twisting itself, my chest felt constricted. "She's pregnant" I tried to say but it came out as a whisper. A mear pathetic sound. "She's pregnant?" She repeated as a question, she had this accent. It coated her words perfectly. It wasn't British or American. I had heard it before. I felt as if I could talk to her, stay with her for now. She reminded me of my nana, my beautiful loving nana. "Yes she's pregnant. I'm not sure how uhm, how long" I told her my voice sounding raspy and hoarse. She nodded as she wrote it down.

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