Chapter 24

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The suds ran down my back as I continued to massage the strawberry smelling shampoo into my hair. I had to hurry to get finished, Xavier would be here any minute and I prefer to be fully dressed when he arrives, not that he really minds. He's seen me naked before, he accidentally walked in on me whilst I was drying my self off. The scorching hot water washes the shampoo out leaving my hair feeling worse then before I put it in. I never understood that, the conditioner always makes up for the shampoo.Making it smooth and non frizzy.

I rush to finish up and wrap a towel around my body. My mirror and phone was fogged up, I wipe the screen on my towel and shoot a text to August. I missed him, and I'm well aware that I'm clingy and everything, but he's so fucking addicting. His touch, his anger as weird as that may seem, his love, his softness that turns into delicious roughness. "No need to fear, your gay friend is here!" I jumped at the sudden noise but smile once I peaked my head out to the sing song boy.

"I never fear" I joked back and walked out of the steamy room. "I just need to get dressed into something comfy and then you can start" He nodded eagerly with a smile and dove head straight into my beauty products. Grabbing one of the few hoodies August had left here and some shorts I sat down in my chair. "Your phone is ringing" I turned around and got handed my phone by him.

"Hello?" I forgot to check the caller ID. "Bunny" August greeted curtly, his morning voice apparent. I broke into the cheeziest smile as I imagined laying there with him. There was no noise but he's breathing on the other side. "Good morning August" It was well over one o'clock, I had been awake for a while mentally readying myself, but August went to bed late last night. "What you doing?" Xav started combing my hair and drying it with a hair dryer. "Xav's pimping me up" My tone was playful. I shouldn't mention the dinner.

He'll get all huffy and not want me to go. He already had a hard time with me being around Xavier, or maybe he just doesn't like Xav. The man literally growled on the other line, just like he did when he fucked me. Why the hell does it sound so sexy? "For what?" His voice was tight, my head was janked back by Xav detangling a knot in my hair. "Ow" I cursed and hit Xav lightly as I drew forward glaring back at the man. "What was that?"

I could literally hear the thoughts running through August's head. "Xav's brushing my hair. You're so adorable" I complimented which earned another huff. I crossed my legs and got more comfy as Xav continued. "So I can't come over today?" August confirmed from the other side of the phone, his morning voice made it that much harder to say no. I wanted him to come over today so badly. It would be so much better and probably more fun. "No, I don't think so baby" There it was again.

Baby. It was something I knew August liked to be called and the hum of approval sealed that suspicion. "Okay, I won't come over. Do you wanna come here after what you're doing?" He asked as it sounded like he was going back to bed. He seemed calmer now. "Sure. How was your thing yesterday?" I wasn't ready for the convo to be done.

"Good" His short reply came fast, like he had already decided to say that before. I hummed in response and grunted again when Xav pulled my hair. "Bitch" I cursed out loud as responsive tears jerked from my eyes. It didn't hurt that much, I don't even know why my eyes are watering. "I'll leave you to it then bunny" I said my goodbyes and laid my phone down.

"Be more gentle I dare you" Xav just smiled sweetly in response.


Mum calling me down to the foyage startled me out of my thoughts. I stopped admiring myself in the silky blue dress and walked downstairs. I felt beautiful and it annoys me that August isn't here to see me at what I feel is my prettiest. He never gets to see me all dolled up I'm either looking like a hobo, a whore or just plain naked.

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