Chapter 30*

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His hands caress my stomach, his warm warm hand, it's toasty under our duvet. Our body heat heating it up, it probably doesn't help that we are stuck together like glue. His soft lips nibble on my ear as he presses his hard cock against my back. "I know you're awake my beauty" He whispers so huskily in a hushed tone into my ear. I open my eyes and put my hand on top of his. He smirks into my skin, something he's done a thousand times before, but it feels so good. "I am" I whisper back to him. We're all alone in his little house, yet we still whisper as if we could get caught any minute. 

He slides down further under the duvet, his cock pressed up against the crack of my ass. His hips moving back and forth in a seductive motion, just enough to make me drip for him. I rub my ass against him, desperately wanting a release. "Did you sleep well?" He asks me as he nibbles on my shoulder, I'm sure he's making marks. "Yeah, I- Oh god, don't stop" My eyes roll so far in my head, my whole body feeling electric by his being. "Fuck this" He whispers and rolls me over, picking me up and putting me up on his lap. The cold air suddenly hitting me makes my nipples hard. 

You can see it through the thin material of my tank top. His eyes follow the motion instantly, his cock getting significantly harder under me. The way he eyes my attire up and down, his eyes turning almost black. I understand why, I'm braless in a tank top and a thong, with hard nipples and wet dripping from me. I'm easily accessible to his hungry eyes, his tongue licks his lip as if I'm his prey. I'm vulnerable, but I don't mind it because I know how good he makes me feel. I don't mind being addicted to this man. My fingers fan out in his hair and tug to make him look in my eyes. I have nothing to say, but it's almost as if he understands. He abruptly sits up, tugging my hair. He just looks at me for a minute before smashing his sinful lips on mine. 

His devious tongue forcing itself into my mouth, he tastes of cigarettes now, he's been smoking. When did he smoke? Did he leave when I was asleep? He must have, at least for a smoke outside. Was he up all night? His fingers clawing into my butt cheeks snaps me out of my thoughts as I moan out of pain, my lips detach from his. That's gonna leave a mark, a pretty hand mark to show everyone I'm his. I love having his touch stay on my body for a long time. He looks at me angrily in the eye as he grabs my chin and lowers my lips down onto his again, I feel like I might combust. It's all just too hot and I just want him in me already. 

"Undress" I try to command as I break our kiss once again, but this time only for a minute as I speedily take off my tank top. He just stares at me with his lip between his pearly white teeth,  almost biting through his lip. I might just cum from that. "You gonna fuck me or not?" I ask slightly aggravated at how long this is taking. He shakes his head as he just lays back and grabs my thighs. He looks so nonchalant and hot, I think I might actually fucking combust. "Move up and down a bit" I raise my eyebrows to which he just challenges me back. 

I do as he says and bounce on his lap. My chest rises with my every breath, but my boobs they bounce with me. He grabs my hip in one hand and one of my boob with his other, stopping my movements as fast as it started. I didn't say anything as he flipped us over, him hovering over me once again as I laid there a little out of breath. I watch as his head full of thick hair trails down me and latches on to my breast, a slight sting follows as he bites me and draws on my flesh. 

I grab his hair and pull him off, but he ignores it and goes back like a leech. I watch as his tongue paints my red bite mark, I was so fucking wet for him. I can feel it slosh with our every move. I moan as this thirsty feeling spreads through my tummy as he sucks and bites. Again and again and again. "I need you" August whispers, his voice is so fucking delicious. He straddles my arms and chest as he looks down at me. "Do you trust me?" I nod vigorously, excited for what I believe is happening. 

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