Chapter 27

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I gazed through the sex fogged mirror, my eyeliner was somehow smudged all over my face. My mascara was dripping and my face shone all over my face. August was breathing heavy over my limp body, my face broken out into one of those cheesy smiles you only somehow see in movies. You know the one the guy makes when he finally manages to get the girl or the girl makes when she is desperately in love.

My tits were spilled out from my black top, my pink bra semi revealed, however I don't think that's what August's main focus was pinned on. I could still feel him twitching inside me, ropes of his cum seeping through the gaps they could and down my legs. My jeans were wet and straining between my legs. "You gonna stay in me all day or?" I teased as I tried to stand up from the uncomfortable position. The sink dug into my tummy, the corner of it possibly bruising my thighs.

With a smirk August luckily pulled out of me, his long dick absolutely drenched in his and my cum. It was a sight for aphrodities. It made him even hotter in my eyes. I watched as he grabbed some toilet paper and wiped his dick from our fluids, flushing it down the toilet. "Bye bye children" I jokingly say at the sound and giggle. August stares at me before bursting out into  laughter himself, I mimic his reaction feeling so fucking good.

However my skin felt like literal fire, I tried fanning myself with my hands but it didn't help as much as I wanted it too. My hands moved before I registered it completely. I grabbed the ends of my top and pulled it off completely. My tits bouncing from the gravity, I took off my shoes, untying them and kicking them off somewhere in this bathroom. I need to cool down, I'm sweating here. "What are you doing baby?" His hands covered my own hands. Tingles erupted throughout my skin.

"I'm too warm. I feel like I'm fucking melting. I-I need to shower. I need to shower and get this sticky off me" I panicked slightly as I felt sweat dripping down my naked back. Sober me would be shy to say that, but drunk me had zero filter. I hate talking about bodies and natural stuff, it makes me gag and feel uncomfortable for hours on end. "Cold. I need to become cold"

He looked at me with that sad smile. He only uses that smile when he pities me, pity smile. I leaned against the cooler counter as August turned on the shower to a comfortable cold, I bet Diamond wouldn't mind me showering right? My head spun from everything that had happened the last thirty minutes. The music wasn't really helping and I longed to go back to the floor and just dance, ride this buzz all the way. I want to actually have some fun.

"Come on" August positioned me under the icy water beam, this felt nice. My skin feels comfortable to be in. His devilish hands started to scrub my body with the rose body gel we found. His fingers paying extra attention between my legs, I felt so sore. I bucked over as his finger intruded and held his shoulders for support, my nails digging into the skin. He had taken off his t-shirt so it wouldn't get wet. "Bastard" I cursed as he raised an eyebrow at me. Luckily he stopped and proceeded to wet my hair, lathering it up with whatever shampoo was in here.

Hmmm, coconuts. I love coconuts, but they are kinda weird. Who even thought to start growing them? Do they grow in the ground? Like whoever decided to crack one open, I should marry. Because coconuts man. They are so good.

Diamond smells like coconuts.

I'm gonna smell like Diamond. I hummed as I gathered water in my cupped hands, I like Diamond. Diamond is coooooool. "Did you like kissing Diamond?" His deep voice was deeper than usual and his shoulders were very rigged. The question was very sudden, I thought he forgot about it all. My eyes widened as I looked at him properly, he had risen over my height to wash my hair. His magical fairy princess fingers were massaging my scalp, it felt so nice. "Diamond?" I questioned innocently hoping he would drop it, I didn't like this.

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