Chapter 18

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Sometimes, just sometimes I let myself regret certain choices I have taken in my life. Like leaving my home, which meant leaving Ruby alone. Meeting Carlos, and lastly running out on my bunny whilst she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful lying in my bed. And I ran away. If she knew what I am capable off, what I've done in my past, she'd look at me differently. I want to leave her be, let her walk around with Xavier and Evelyn. But I can't, she's intruded my mind with her image. I can't sleep properly if I haven't talked to her and when I do fall asleep she is in my dreams, waiting for me, kissing me, watching me. Even in my nightmares, she has become a frequent guest.

I don't mind it half as much as I should. I should be focusing on the match tonight, yet all I can think about is, did she find my note? Is she safe at school? Does she feel okay? When can I go to her again?

However there are no new messages or calls from the girl who's become an obsession to me. Left jab, right jab, uppercut. Last night though. I had her under me, panting, breathing, moaning my name. It was a sight for the Gods to see. All until my dumb ass took my shirt off and revealed aftermath from the matches this week. It really doesn't hurt, but to her I look like I've been run over multiple times. It was depressing seeing how upset she was. Her chocolate brown eyes brimming with tears as her soft hands grazed over the black and blue on my body. There was no need for her to cry, no need at all, but it meant that I could comfort her. She cried on my shoulder over me. I don't even know why it gave me such a high, but it did. Highkick, left jab, roundhouse.

Panting I grab my towel and dab off the sweat on my forehead. "Ah! My favourite fighter!" I lazily gaze back to see the fat man I supposedly work for. His greasy salt and pepper hair was a mess today and his normal suit was lost. He was wearing athletic clothes, I hold myself from laughing imagining Harold training. That's not something I'll ever see in my life time and I doubt anyone else will ever see the comical sight. I never enjoyed working for him, but it's good money and a safe outlet for my anger. Harold found me at my lowest, my angriest, my worst. If he met me now I would've laughed at him for suggesting I work for him. However I'm stuck here fighting until I find a way out. A way that makes sure Ruby and Sophia are safe afterwards.

"So..." The Oompa Loompa drawls out with a arrogant look on his face. My nose scrunches as if I just smelled the worst smell in the world. "You ready for tonight?" I let myself relax as I pack the rest of my shit and turn around again. I nod and walk away to the wardrobes. It's not worth getting angry about, he's just trying to look out for his favourite fighter. "Just remember what's on the line tomorrow night, you guys were cute in your costumes" I turn around, my hands grip his jumper as I go face to face with him. Raising the fat man above the floor I feel my anger rush. "Don't you dare say anything about her" He wipes a little spit off his face as he tries to push me away.

However I'm ten times stronger then him and I'm about twice his fragile height. "I-I won't. Don't worry" He smiles what he thinks is a panty dropping grin but only makes me push him off of me and onto the floor. The room thuds from his fall as I stand over his helpless body. "Tell your boss as well to fucking forget about her, if something happens to her I'll kill him myself" With that I grabbed my shit and finally head for the showers.

I pull up to our meeting point. Stepping out of my Lambo I spot the blonde guy fairly quickly. He walks up to me doing our handshake whilst sitting back down. "They're watching her" I tell Wilson. He's one of my friends in the fight club. I beat the shit out of him, but he just came back for more and more. I figured it would be less annoying to have him as a friend then a foe. 

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