Chapter 26

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"August?" I called out of the empty bathroom. My hands went through my knotty wet hair, wringing out the clean water. Foot steps led up to his bathroom. His blond mop of hair peaked through the door way and with a smirk he said. "Yes baby" I watched him look up and down my naked wet body, there were no more towels in here. And I bet he did it on purpose.

The giant crept up to my damp self, his eyes shining with playfulness. "What do you want me to do?" His voice was huskier than usual. His rough hands trailing up and down my soft skin, the contrast between us making my body ache for him. "I-I need a towel" The words choke up in my throat the second his fingers tweak my nipples. His nose nuzzling into my sore neck, he knows what he's doing.

"Hmm" His voice vibrates through my whole being, I need to resist, we're leaving soon for that party he said we were going to. I still didn't know where, who or really when all of this was happening. But I trust my boyfriend to keep me safe and comfortable. "August. Towel now" My voice is sterner then before but still weak.

He pulled away much to my dismay and walked out to his bedroom without closing the door to get me a towel. The cold air seeped onto my body. Uncomfortable goosebumps coated my whole being, my nipples hardened and my teeth chattered. "Hurry up please" I shouted out to the rummaging blonde.

He was quick to return, his smirk still evident on his face with white fluffy towels on his arms. He handed them over with a pathetic peck of a kiss. "You hid the towels so I would be naked and need help from you, didn't you?" I wrapped the towel around my cold self with a smile. He shrugged his shoulders before leaving me to myself. "I fucking knew it" I tell myself in the mirror. I had decided to wear some black jeans and a crop top. Just something basic tonight, I didn't feel like wearing a dress as it was getting so fucking cold.

I got my hairdryer and started detangling this rats nest on my head. The warm air felt nice fawning over my body. Soon I was able to drag a comb through it with no problem. The next thing was to change into the said outfit. My underwear was laid nicely on the counter. A light pink bra and thong with embroider flowers on the sheer material.

I thought since I was dressing up, I might as well decorate the parts only August will see. Besides he hasn't seen me in anything fancy before. I can't wait to see his reaction to me. I clasp my bra on and pull the thong up, it settling nicely between my ass cheeks. I just hope it doesn't give my cunt a wedgie through out the night. It's the absolute worst and so uncomfortable.

It was my turn to look out the door to see if August was there. At last he wasn't and I quickly locked the door to his bedroom. To be fair I think I like August's room more than I do my own. The dark colours and his loveable scent makes it feel more like a safe haven. I quickly got dressed and unlocked the door.

"Baby, you ready to go?" He stopped in the door way once again. His mouth stern and eyes wandering. "Can't you just wear my clothes there?" His words came out as a whine and my lips tweaked up in surprise. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "No, I want to look nice and who knows if you behave maybe you'll be in for a surprise" His signature smirk returned as he kissed my forehead.

"You look gorgeous" My heart swelled with confidence. His words doing more than most to make me feel above everyone. Yes I may be from old money and have a lot of it, but money doesn't buy you confidence. It only gives you the resources to have it. August was the key to my confidence.

With his hand in mine we left his cosy home and into his beautiful car, I wish he'd let me drive it, I'm a good driver. August swore to not drink today. He said he had to look after me since I wanted to drink and he was the designated driver. I didn't mind as long as he was sure, I could drive if he wanted to drink.

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