Chapter 19*

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He can stay all he wants, but that doesn't mean I'll make it easy for him. I'll make it hard for him, so hard he'll have to leave. I'll make him think he can touch me, think he can have me, and then I'll forbid him to do anything. That'll torture him. If he won't speak, he can't touch. I just actually have to find a way to do that.

The warm air from the oven heats my face and chest. "Careful, you might burn yourself bunny" He growls as he pushes me softly out of the way and takes over for me. Even though I don't mind getting burnt it's cute to see him like this. "I don't mind. Nothing I haven't dealt with before" I absentmindedly say and walk over to my frosting. 

He puts my cake to cool and moves behind me. I can feel him, not touching me, just staring at me from behind. "Well now you've got me. No more burning yourself" His promise makes me smile. I don't believe this will last long, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it now. If we can't communicate it will run it's course in due time and my issues will scare him away in no time. He hasn't seen bad yet.

"We'll see" I whisper -my voice tells the truth though with a crack. I hoped he hadn't heard me. That he had just blocked his ears and was distracted. But his fingertips running up my arm in a soothing manner tells me otherwise. "I'm not leaving bunny. Whether you want me to or not, I'm staying" The goosebumps covering my arms from his words betray my voice. What happened to no touching?

"No" I try to say confidently but he laughs as I pull away from the warm giant. I put the purple frosting in the piping bag and move to the now cooled chocolate cake. "You know you say one thing, but your body says another" He's completely right and it irks me that he can read me so easily. If he doesn't want me to know something I damn well won't find out about it.

I pipe it on the cake decorating it. Not because we have anything to celebrate. God knows we don't have anything, but I needed to get some nerves out and I have wanted to bake for a while now. I just haven't had the energy. "I'm going to sit in the livingroom. Come out when you're done?" He questions as his hands wrap around my waist holding me snuggly towards him.

"Yeah, want me to bring you chocolate cake?" I offer politely as I pipe flowers onto it. He hums before kissing my shoulder lightly and leaving me with my own thoughts. I listen out for what he might choose to entertain himself with. The click of the tv and voices makes me relax as I finish up the cake.

Mum told me Ev was okay, but I haven't talked to her yet. I should've been there today but I can't go back there. I won't go back to the hospital or any other hospital for that sake.  My phone has no notifications except one from mum asking if I've eaten today. I reply with I'm fine and go on Evelyn and I's conversation.

Me: Are you okay Evelyn?

I don't expect her to answer any time soon so I, with good conscious, and a slice of my cake to give to August. I admire it a little before cutting into it. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. I pour him a glass of milk as I always like it when eating cake and walk out to him. He looks so at home. His feet stretched out on the sofa and his hood on his eyes.

I'm quick to wipe off the smile on my face. If I'm gonna start my plan, I can't look cute. I need to look sexy. Luckily I already wore quite revealing clothes, not even knowing he was gonna come here. I put the items on the coffee table and decide to lay on top of him. My tits pressed on his chest, my pussy right on top of his cock. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. Almost as if I'm gonna run if not.

"What are you plotting in your cute head bunny?" He teases as his hand cups my face. As he leans down to me, I smirk and pull away. "Nuh uh. No talking, no touching" My plan worked and satisfaction worked it's way through my whole being. The giant under me was pouting. Not a fake pout or a playful pout, but a real, disappointed pout. I smile before booping his nose and kissing his cheek.

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