Chapter 28

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Five years ago

I looked at my grandpa's face. He looked proud of me for stepping up. He didn't look disappointed or angry like the police told me he would be. No he was wearing the biggest smile. "So what did they do this time?" He asked me, he seemed as if he was enjoying this. I crossed my arms and looked out the window. I nodded my head 'no' I didn't wanna tell him. "Come on boy. Tell me, what did they say?" 

"They said that she deserved to have a dead little brother. That God had cursed her when she was born" I was so mad. I could've killed them, Grandpa told me I almost did. The one boy is in hospital having surgery right now. I'm probably gonna get sued or something. That's what the other inmates told me would happen. "Well good you taught them a lesson. Sophia and her family don't need more on their plate right now" I looked at my grandpa. 

He had remembered her name. He looked away from the road and down at me. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "What? So I learnt her name, doesn't't mean anything" I smiled at him, happy that he did it. It wasn't much but it felt the world to me. It was night time now, and Sophia's little brother has been dead for fourteen days. She still hasn't gone back to school. Grandma Rose says that's normal when someone dies. 

I wish I was there for her to hug her and care for her, something so she didn't feel alone. I bike past her house sometimes. She sits in her window, she doesn't look down or anything. Her back is pressed against her window. She sits there all day sometimes. I know it's my Sophia because her beautiful chocolate brown hair is pressed against the window. Her sister Evelyn has blonde hair and her parents both have darker hair than her. 

Grandpa parks infant of our home. The lights are on and another car is in the driveway. It's probably Uncle Joey. He comes over sometimes and he told us he was buying a new car. I look over and Grandpa, he looks pissed. Like when someone steals his cheesecake only ten times worse. "Stay here boy" He has this edge to his voice. He carefully get out of his car and slams the door with me still inside. 

His back is starting to hurt him, so he's kinda hunched over. I wish he would just go to the doctors and check it out. It could be something dangerous. All the lights in the house are on and the minute he steps through the doors, yelling occurs. I open my door just a little to listen. "I want to see him" Was being shouted throughout the whole neighbourhood. I fell further into my seat as I recognised the voice. 

It's my father. My no good for nothing father. Grandpa Finn is my mother's father. Even though they dislike my mother they still treat her with respect. My father though. My father is a lousy business man who hurt me and Ruby. He didn't care for no one but himself and that's why I and my grandparents hate him. I look up at Ruby's window. Her lights on and I no doubt know she's listening. Stomps were heard and the next thing I know my father is standing on the porch. His usual suit is dishevelled, his hair is a mess. 

"You motherfucker!" I quickly climb to the backseat but he runs down to the car and grabs my foot before I can move longer. His eyes are red. "How many times have I told you to stop fucking with my life?" Tears flow down my face as I scream for my grandpa. I know my father, I know his next move. "You got arrested!" I screamed again and again as I saw the light shone down on me from the opened door, but it was too late. My father managed to get a punch directly to my nose. I could hear the cartilage break inside of my nose.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" More and more tears flow down my face as my nose hurts so bad. I grasp onto it, crying so the whole neighbourhood could hear. I can feel warm blood flow down over my mouth. My tongue absentmindedly tastes some. Iron, that's what it tastes like. Warm iron. My grandpa was too weak for my father. I watched it happen. He flung him off of him and onto the ground. 

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