Chapter 15

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A/N please be careful reading this chapter if you have problems with sh. Please get help if you struggle. 


The wind whipped through my hair as my hands fanned over his abs. My eyes remained closed as my cheek leaned against his warm back for support. It felt like heaven combined with hell. "Hold on, bunny" He yelled and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. With a smile I held onto him closer as he sped the bike up. The wind kissed my face with such force it was addicting. I was compelled to open my eyes. I should enjoy this. I opened them up to the highway. Trees surrounding us as he drove. I saw him looking all relaxed. Oh god he was hot. I'm in deep, I want him badly. 

And I want to know his brother, his sister, his mother. I want to know about everyone he cares about.

I want to get to know him.

He drove of the junction and onto a private road, the leaves on the trees matched that of blood. They were beautiful and mesmerising. I caught myself smiling as I watched it all unravel. He slowed down until he came to a full stop. He stopped right in the middle of all the beautiful trees, it smelled like autumn and the breeze didn't shy away from us. I just burst out laughing.

I had really just ridden a death contraption and I had enjoyed it. August laughed with me, his laugh made me smile even more as my laughter died out into a smile. "Have I told you I like your laugh?" He asked me with a smirk as he climbed of the bike. I smiled the widest smile I ever have before answering. "I don't think you have August" He held out a hand for me. I reached and he helped me off. I stood there for a little. Getting connected again with the ground. Wiggling my toes which were confined within my shoes. Taking deep breathes of the fresh autumn air. August wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. It tickled a lot, like a good tickle. I turned around in his arms, hooking mine around his neck. "I think you fancy me" I stated truthfully.

His face lit up as a smirk found it's way back. "Who says?" He whispered huskily as his hands spread down to my ass cheeks. "Your big hands" I replied a little airy, my mind clouding completely with lust. He rose his brows as if to question it before he leaned down and kissed me senseless. I didn't kiss him back, curious as to what he would do. He squeezed my butt before pulling slightly away from my lips.

"Kiss me back, bunny" He growled as my eyes met his, the shine in them was unmissable and I did as he had commanded of me. Every bone in my body ached to do it as I pulled him closer to me and smashed my lips on his. Our lips smashing together with such passion, his hands roaming feverishly around my body as I raked my nails on his skin. His tongue thrusted through my mouth as I moaned into him. I was giving into him. I would forget everything just to feel this for however long he would decide to string me along. I knew he was stringing me along, which is why it was easy to get strung up. Play the game, he was the fox and I his prey, his bunny.

I pulled away, my lungs desperately burning for air. I felt like I had ran a marathon. However the moment was ruined by my past mistakes as he asked. "Did you do that to yourself, Sophia?" I looked up at his face. His whole face was angry and his tone was beyond serious. I looked down at my arm and saw it. The faint red lines, they were almost invisible to the naked eye. I softly brushed my fingers over where his gaze burned. He grabbed my forearm and looked more intently. It had happened a long time ago. I wasn't proud but he just made me feel ashamed, disgusted with myself. Why was he making such a big deal out of this? "Stop" I raised my voice as his thumb brushed over them, not reaching them all. He looked at them all scattered around. I tried pulling my hand back but he wouldn't have it. "Why?" He asked, his voice visibly restrained. I didn't like this. I didn't wanna talk about this. He didn't get to know about this.

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