Chapter 11

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I stood up from my bed and looked out the window, looking for the sound that was irritating me. Who is making so much sound already. I ripped my curtains open looking down from the second story of our home. It was really dark, too dark to see anything properly. Yet I saw the small pebbles on my window seal. "What the fuck?" I cursed out loudly and closed my curtains again as I went back to my warm bed.

I was hungry, but I didn't wanna go out of my room. I didn't want anyone to see that I had cried over a stupid boy. So what he didn't speak to me at school, so what he didn't come to the classes we had together. I didn't care. I don't care. He can go fuck himself. That's a lie, I don't want him to do that. I want him to hug me, kiss me, be the August he was on Monday with me.

The sound didn't stop, it was almost like someone was pecking on my window. I groaned and rolled over, planting my face in the pillow. My phone started calling as I covered my ears. The ringing seized only to start again seconds later. The sound giving me another headache. Who is so adamant at reaching me? I just wanna wallow in my own self pity alone. I reach under my pillow and pull out my phone to an unknown number.

I cautiously answer the phone and bring it to my ear. This is the start of my murder, their gonna track me and murder me. Shit. "Bunny?" I heard being questioned through the line. I released a breath I held from fright. It's August. He's called me, the bastard has called me. I don't know whether to be happy or angry. I am happy. He's made me grin like an idiot to the air in my room. "Yes" I answered a little rougher then I meant. I heard him laugh, some wind picked up through the line. Was he outside? In this cold? "Who hurt you?" He joked as I felt my insides twist. He did, He hurt me. And it's stupid that I even cared this much. "No one" I told him fiercely as I walked over to my bean bag in the corner of my room.

Falling onto it. He sucked in a breath as the wind picked up. As did the wind outside my window. That's when I realized, the sound stopped when he called me. Has he been throwing pebbles at my window the last twenty-five minutes? I sat up as straight as I could in the bean bag. "Have you been throwing pebbles at my window?" I accused as I stood up, with difficulty. Running to my window and ripping up my curtains. That's when I saw him flashing light in my eyes.

"The one and only baby" He replied smugly as I imagined him smirking. I clicked my tongue from the roof of my mouth as I cocked my hip. The audacity of this guy. It's ten o'clock at night, what if I was asleep? I almost laughed a belly laugh as I thought about me sleeping. That rarely happens. "What you thinking so hard about, bunny?" He questioned as he looked up at me. I could see him much clearer now, I was still mad that he basically ghosted me. However I couldn't help but feel happy that he was here. "Wanna come inside? It's cold out there" I pointed out as I left my window and got a hoodie. Covering my tank top self, my legs were still exposed with shorts. He can be a bit teased. He deserves it.

Pulling the oversized hoodie over me I heard him say a yes as I hung up and walked down the stairs. Or well, ran down the stairs. I was way too excited for this. Mum looked at me weirdly as I slid past her on my socks to the door. I smiled sheepishly at her as I quickly unlocked the door to see a drenched August. His hoodie clinged to his figure, his biceps protruding. He looked really hot. My smile was yet to disappear.

He smirked as he looked at me. Oh no, that's no a good sign. And I was right, he went into hug me. His hoodie dripping, his smirk never fading. I stepped back a step and held my finger up to his face. "No" I ordered as he stopped his movements, only to shake all the drops off of him, onto me. I shrieked and stepped further back into my hallway. I looked down, sure enough I was covered in wet spots. I scowled at August as his head tilted back in laughter. I almost cracked a smile. He really was here. It wasn't my imagination. He stopped when he saw I wasn't laughing with him. His eyebrows furrowed and his heavenly mouth set in a fine line. "What's wrong bunny?" He asked as his fingers went through his hair. I felt myself grow a little irritated.

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