Chapter 17

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"Yes" I breathe out in a harsh whisper to his stubbly face. Craving his touch, craving him to make it better, to make me feel better. I know that only he can take my mind away from this. From Evelyn, from Killian, from years and years of loneliness. He can cure it all. His rough hands tangled themselves in my hair as mine went up under his shirt. Smooth skin met my hands, no hair, no bumps. Just smooth, defined skin. He wasn't like freakishly defined, more natural. "Please" I breathed out shakily as my eyes drilled into his, pleading, begging.

His eyes widened slightly before he gave a little smile and kissed me. It wasn't rushed or heated. It was sweet and gentle, like it was meant to comfort me. I don't know what we are, who we'll be, but for now I'm okay with us just being like this. Just us for now. Pulling away from my mouth he started kissing down my jaw, sparks erupted under. Small kisses, his tongue licking me slightly. My chest flushed at the new feeling. The longer down he went the more heated my body felt. My breathing quickened as my hands moved more frantically around his body. My mind fogged. Wanting to touch everything, wanting to leave nothing untouched. My body moved slightly forward on his cock, he groaned in my ear, guiding my hips to do it again.

August sucked on my neck eliciting a moan from my mouth. His teeth grazed the spot making my whole body shiver as my eyes shut close, savouring the feeling. August chuckled a deep dark laugh, it made my skin vibrate. "You like that bunny? You like me marking you?" He teased me, he had ceased all movement. Focused on only talking to me. I tried to rub myself against him, feeling him grow under me but he stopped.

"Say it" He pressured - the need for my confirmation thick in his eyes. "Mhm" I quickly responded, removing my toasty hands from his body. My hands were grabbed and put back on his body. "I didn't say you could stop" He had all control of me, of my movement. I didn't even get the chance to reply before he smashed his lips on mine once again.

I didn't wanna stop, hell I couldn't stop. Even if I desperately wanted to it was impossible to stop gropping him, feeling him up. I slowly slither my hands up his body. Careful not to break our kiss. He had already won over me, I was limp in his place. He could do whatever and I wouldn't object, I wanted this. I needed this, I need him.

August growled at me tugging his hair. My back hit the sofa before I knew it. Me under him, he had the advantage. "Hi" I squealed as he scoffed and continued to kiss me senselessly. Even though I liked this position I liked sitting on him more. Feeling his dick under me pulsing. I finally sunk my fingers into his silky blonde hair. No trace of gel in the Godsend, the strands softly slipping in between my fingers. My fingers closed and pulled as he bit my bottom lip. It was reflex, the sound he made sounded a mix of pleasure and pain.

I didn't know how to react, did he like it or did it hurt?

He pulled away from me and sat on his heels. His eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. My torso rose slightly as I leaned back on the arm of the sofa. My eyes trailed down to his dick, pressing against the zipper of his jeans. That must hurt a lot. That didn't seem to be the thing troubling him now.

I had had sex before, with people from a rocky past. However it never felt like this, like my whole body ached for him. It was the strangest feeling yet I allowed it. It was one of the few feelings that I let through my wall and I'm damn glad I have. "Did I hurt you?" The question slipped my lips before I had thought of it. He smiled and just looked at me.

"No, it felt good. I just didn't know I liked that" He answered truthfuly before grabbing my thighs and dragging me down again. "August!" I scolded him with a laugh as he climbed on top of me. His eyebrows furrowed in humor as he teased. "What?" I didn't even get to answer before he was on me again, his lips on mine. Grinding together. I tugged his shirt as my eyes got hooded with lust. We sat up a little. I watched him as I took off my t-shirt. I didn't wear a bra, my boobs bounced with the freedom from the tight shirt. I threw it on the other couch. His eyes zeroed in on me, my full breasts and the tattoo inbetween.

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