Chapter 1

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"Fuck you" I shouted at my phone that wouldn't stop beeping, I was tired. I barely slept again. The sound continued reminding me of the start of yet another day here, in this lonely world.

It's just another day without him, Soph.

I pick up my phone and press stop. I look at the time, 7:05 am. Well, fuck me. I don't wanna wake up, not yet. Give me five more minutes and I promise I'll wake up. I only need five minutes to get dressed and leave. I'd rather sleep more then be awake and look 'put together'. My eyelids dropped on their own as I nuzzled my pillow. Warm, nice and safe bed.

I jolt awake at the sound of my sister. "You better not be falling back asleep again bubba" Athena shouts into my ear. I can smell the peanut butter on her breathe and her cold hands touched my cheeks. I grinned as I sat up abruptly and took a hold of her and flipped us over so I was hovering over her and tickled her little tummy. This was our normal routine by now, the only way they can wake me up. They know I can never snap at Athena.

She bellows a laugh, a proper Thena laugh. I smile at her as I continue to wiggle my fingers. "Bubba, stop. I'm too tickly. Ahh" She laughed. I stopped and kissed her cheek. She had peanut butter on the corner of her mouth, I was right. She looked happy, something I could never be. Her curly brown hair was everywhere, frizzy. Her green eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Good morning, Athena. Have you had a nice morning, my precious darling?" I asked with a forced smile. "Yeah!, Mummy woke me up earlier so I could help make pancakes. I had peanutbutter on mine" I smiled over to her as I stood up from my bed and stretched my arms to the air. I grabbed Athena's sides and hoisted her up on my hip. I kissed the top of her head as I walked out of my room, leaving my oh so toasty bed.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see my mum, Evelyn and dad sit at the table, they were all engaged in conversation. I looked at the table, two of the chairs empty.

I remember when all of them were occupied.

I shook the depressing thoughts from my head and put up my front. I didn't want them to ask questions and getting into a whole ass conversation about how I'm feeling. I wasn't ready for that this early in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen properly. I looked down and put on a smile. "Hello peasants" I greeted them all and sat Athena down in her high chair. Evelyn and I were still dressed in pajamas, but mum and dad were dressed for work.

Dad was wearing his usual outfit. A shirt with a knitted vest on top. He looked very homey. Something I knew for a fact made it easier to speak with him. My dad is a psychologist, the best in The State.

"Hello princess. You alright?" My dad asked. I crossed my arms over my chest as I shifted a little on my feet. Trying not to fall asleep standing. Dad knows I'm not a morning person, which is why he sends Athena to me, bastard he is for doing that. He knows I can't resist her, snap at her or do anything I would at them. It's a way to guarantee me getting out of bed on a good day. But on a bad day, on a bad day I can't even open my eyes and then they just close my door. It's a routine.

"Yes, I'm okay. My baby sister woke me up today" I cheered at her. It was something that we all did to try and boost Athena's self esteem, she was/is very shy and hides away from people. Dad thinks if we do that, over time she'll become less and less shy. I sit my ass down next to Athena before I ruffled her bouncy hair. I was in love with her hair.

"You're mean" She exclaimed as she tried to brush her hair out of her eyes. I laughed. She always says that, when we do something she doesn't expect. She should expect it by now. It's something I always do now. But this toddler she's something else. None of us were like her. She likes having control, her toys lined up after height. Her shoes after colour so on, so on. For being four she is wierd and observant, but I wouldn't want her any other way.

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