Chapter 9

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My head pounded as I tried to bury my face in the soft, cold pillow. The smell was heavenly, the feeling of the cotton on my skin made me feel slightly better. I whined as the pounding continued at the front of my head. It hurt so much, I just wanted to cry. I regretted ever looking at alcohol. My throat is dry as the sahara and my eyes don't even wanna open. The door opened, that's when a light goes off in my head. This isn't my bed, or my sheets, it doesn't smell like home. I let my self panic for a minute as I sit up carefully and look over to the sound, peeling my eyes open. The light from outside the room blinds me for a second. I hiss a little at how sensitive my eyes are.

I watch intently as August walks through the doorway, with a brown bag in his hand and a glass of water. Am I at August's house? I weirdly feel comfortable, at home. I feel safe. I've slept in someone elses home and I'm fine. I let out an airy laugh, only to clutch my head from the pain that shot through me at my action. He's surprisingly quiet and walks over to me, sitting down next to me on the bed. He smiles at my shocked face, it reaches his eyes. The corners crinkle a little. I force a little smile back before I lay back down on the pillow. At least I wasn't nauseous. His cold hand went on my forehead, resting there for a minute while I hummed. The cool spread through my forehead alleviating some pain. "How do you feel?" He asks me gently, not making too much noise. He was being so kind. The room was pitch dark, he was quiet. He was helping me, actually helping me.

"Better now when you did that" I say and nuzzle the pillow as he starts rubbing my forehead. He removes his hand, I look at him and pout, why did he stop? I looked to see him open the brown bag, pulling out some medicine. "Take these and I'll be back a little later, do you want anything?" He asked me as he put out two tablets on his side table and stood up. I looked around the room, it wasn't that big, and it was spotless. I didn't wanna be alone in his house. I wanted him to be here. With me. "Stay" I whispered as I looked at the floor. Nice carpet. August sat down next to me. I shook my head, that wasn't what I meant. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

My head diving right to where his neck and shoulder meets. I don't remember much from the previous hours, yet our kiss was playing through my mind. Making me feel braver. The way the music pulsed through us as our mouths fought each other. I remembered, but for the sake of making this friendship work I was gonna forget it and blame it on the alcohol. I lifted my leg up and put it on the other side of his body. Affectivly straddling him. Some how I had grown attached to him quickly, and now he was paying the price. If he never wanted anything to do with me, he wouldn't have taken me home to his house. He wrapped his arms around my body loosely.

"Okay" He hummed as he stood up and sat his bottom down where I had just sat. My chest filled with joy at the fact that he stayed. With me clinged on to his front he got comfortable before sitting up. He pulled my head out of his neck and reached over to his side table and grabbed the tablets and glass of water. His hands are huge, his veins protruded as he held the glass. I felt myself stare at them. "Take these" He demanded and dropped them in my hand. I nodded and raised them to my mouth and grabbed the water from him, gulping them down. He took the glass of water from me and put it back on the table as I laid down again on him.

His hands were rubbing up and down my back. I sat up and looked down at what I was wearing. My dress was long gone and in it's place was a big black t-shirt. I pulled the t-shirt up a bit to see I was only wearing my black thong. Quickly letting the t-shirt cover me up again I starred at August to see him start laughing. He pointed to my body. "I didn't do that" He said and sobered up quickly, sitting up a bit taller. His hand glided over his face and rested on my thighs after.

"I drove home yesterday and you were complaining about feeling hot. I laughed it off, thinking nothing of it until I walk you upstairs to my room when you take off your dress in front of me" I looked at him, my mouth wide open. I did not think I was that brave when drunk. I knew I was brave, but that's just embarrassing. I covered my face up with my hands, listening to August laugh. "You stood there for a while in your black underwear" I screeched and interrupted him. Smacking his chest. "You looked!" I yelled at him. He grabbed my hand and held it against him, making sure I didn't hit him again.

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