Chapter 2

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I opened the door to the bathroom, walking to the sink and looking at my reflection. My hair and face seem to be the only true victim here, my face with hues of blue. My t-shirt and shorts seem fine. I twirl to see if my butt got any slush, but luckily not. I look back up at my hair, I smell it. Blue raspberry. At least he knows good slush. I sigh and grab a bunch of tissues and start working my way through my long chocolate coloured hair. Trying to get the blue chunks out. Strand by strand. I'm gonna be so fucking late.

When, I'm semi satisfied I turn on the sink and rinse my hair. I quickly ring it and make a messy bun on the top of my head. I look back at my face, I decide to grab a tissue and quickly dry my face off. At least I look decent right now and luckily I didn't wear makeup today. I go to grab my books, only to remember they fell a victim too. I delicately dried them off careful not to ruin the paper. My notebooks unfortunately got a tint of blue to each and every page. How much slush was in that cup anyway?

I grabbed all my stuff and ran out of the bathroom and down the hall. Quickly making my way to my class, thinking of every excuse I can. Maybe I could say I had a period accident? They can't say anything about it. It happens, everybody has fallen a victim to the red flow leaking more then once. It would be wrong if I got detention for that. I hope I have a substitute, then I could just sneak in. They don't really care anyway.

I make it to my classroom door, knocking on it and waiting. I was definitely not prepeared for all the eyes on me or the why are you late talk. I wasn't that late. The door abruptly opens, crushing every single hope I had of a substitute. There he stands, the short, pudgy Mr. Smith. He looks dissapointed, I can see it on his face. He's so readable. Instead of being dissapointed how about he be happy that I'm actually at school?

He lets me walk in the door a little. I thought he was just gonna ignore it, but of course not. "Ms. Miller, so you finally join us?" Mr. Smith voiced out so the whole class could hear. I paused and rolled my eyes. This man really will be the death of me. I looked down on him, he was basically my height and I'm tiny. This guy clearly hates children, in fact he shouldn't be allowed to be a teacher. He will literally fail you if you say something bad to him. Forget about morals or being smart, suck his dick and he'll give you an A.

I take a deep breathe and do as I've been brought up to do. I put on a fake smile and apologize. It's not sincere, but it'll do the job. "I'm so sorry, sir. It won't happen again" I told him, even I would've believed me right now. I sound like such an angel. What's he gonna do anyway? My family basically funds this school. He obviously sees through my act but let's it go. Or so I thought. Just as I thought that he'd let me go past him he puts his arm up like a baracade. I roll my eyes yet again. If this holds up I might actually hurt him.

I let my nails dig into the palm of my hand. Trying to contain my anger. It would be much easier if we did this in private. "Do you have an explanation for your tardiness?" He asked his glasses perched on his nose and his arms crossed as he stood there stopping me from walking. "That's a big word for you" I sneered back as I racked my brain for an excuse, any excuse. He glared at me angrily. Just when I had one, another voice answered for me. The same voice that got me in this mess to begin with.

"She was with me, Hubert. So will you calm the fuck down, now?" I scoffed at the scared face Mr. Smith had. This was ridiculous. I turned around coming face to face with August Stead. How fun, this is the second time today. I'm such a lucky girl.

What is most annoying is that he never stands up for anyone else but himself or satan look alike. I've got to stalk the devil worshipper and find out his real name. I've never seen him before up close. So now that all of the students behind me saw this they will question it. And when they question it, there becomes rumours. And rumours involving August spread the fastest. Which means I've gone from being invisible to being on the map in two seconds. Or maybe if I'm lucky people won't read into it and let it go. I take a deep breathe and try to calm myself.

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