Chapter 13

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August was fast asleep next to me, snoring lightly with his arms and legs wrapped around my body like a snake. I was highly comfortable and warm, his breath fanning my bare chest as he snuggled closer. In the odd few times we cuddled I had learned that he was quite the touchy snuggle bug. Whether he knew it or not. I was definitely not gonna tell him. This was something I wanted to keep to myself in case he stopped. After school he showed up at my house claiming we had arranged to spend time together. Of course he had interrupted my time to sleep, however it was fine since he brought me a bottle of sprite. My love for sprite man, it's immaculate. And that's what's happening now, half a sprite bottle later he is fast asleep in my arms. Whilst I'm watching Demon Slayer.

I started playing with August's hair. I still hadn't fallen asleep yet. Not really wanting to risk another nightmare, I quite liked the feeling of him wrapped around me anyway. We had also started watching Seven Deadly Sins, well I was re-watching. But he fell asleep so I changed over, but I never depicted him for an anime fan. I can't imagine him sitting with me whilst watching Your Name. 

"What are you giggling about Bunny?" I flinched as I heard his voice laced with sleep asking me a question. I didn't expect him to wake up at all, he had slept through all the other times. I smiled and pushed his hair away from his face as he tightened his grip on me. August buried his face deeper into my chest. The feeling almost tickling me. "How soft you are" I teased as I traced his dark blonde eyebrows. His face scrunching together.

"I'm not soft. I'm bad, I'm the bad boy" He scoffed as he bit my boob. I drew a gasp as he opened his slightly red eyes to look at me before licking the bitemark. Maintaining the intense eyecontact, as his tongue continued to lick my bite. I glared at him. "That hurt" He scoffed at my whining and rubbed circles on my waist before burying his face in between my boobs. Again. "You have big boobs Sophia" He pointed out as he looked up at me with a smirk. I blushed at his look. "I could slide my dick inbetween t-" I slapped hand over his mouth. Getting extremely flustered at his dirty words. He licked my palm as I drew my hand back, scowling at him. He just laughed before he sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. Gazing around the room before he turned around and looked at me. "What time is it?" He questioned as he laid back down on top of me. I ignored his question and continued watching Zenitsu jumping around.

August tightened his grip on me as he eyed me up. I sheepishly smiled at him as he sat up. I zeroed my vision in on the pattern of my covers. He raised my chin up. "You haven't slept yet, have you?" He needled as I shook my head. I don't need questions on why I've yet to go to sleep. We're not that close, not yet. And my plan was too sleep but if I have a nightmare and he's here, then there will be questions and answers and urgh. August leant back against my headboard and pulled me on top of him. I sat there for a minute, letting him make a move. "It's twelve o'clock" I whispered to him as he sighed. I closed my eyes and waited for it. "I googled you. The day after you went missing" He admitted as he ran a hand down his face. My eyes widened as my breath stopped.

So he knew. He knew about Killian, about his death and my mental breakdown. He probably had questions now. I should, I should tell him, answer his questions. It's only right. I trust him, I shouldn't trust him yet I do. I took a deep breath and laid my head down on his chest. His arms wrapping around me, trying to comfort me in some way.

"Ask away" I breathed out as I focused on his beating heart within his ribcage. He raised my tank top a little and stroked my spine. Almost lulling me to sleep. No, stay awake Sophia. "Tell me what you want to tell me" He replied as I smiled a soft smile up at him. He really is gorgeous. He looks like a greek sculpture. Drawing another deep breath I laid my head back and started. "Well, I was only four when mum gave birth to him. He was the most precious thing I knew. The day I got to meet him everything seemed to click into place. Our family seemed to be complete. This little blob of flesh and blood was my little brother, he was someone I needed to protect. As the years went on our bond only grew. He was someone who always seemed to be there for me. Whether I was mad at mum and dad or upset about this one boy in nursery" I heard his heart skip a beat at my last sentence. I ignored it and continued my tale.

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