Chapter 23

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"Sophia Daisy Miller get your fucking ass in my room before I stand up and drag you here myself" I froze as the shouting of my slightly younger sister clung through the house. Athena started giggling behind me and for a minute it made me unfreeze and look behind me. "She's angry" I looked at the bubbly face my baby sister was making. I cannot believe I haven't spent more time with her lately, I feel so bad.

I feel like she's getting so big and so fast as well. I should've made more time for her, she won't be this little forever and we need to have memories together. Memories are what we survive on, what makes us to be us. The pigtails she was sporting along with a pink dress was just overload of sweetness and I debated whether I should send her up first to soften up Evelyn. She was literally the most beautiful girl in the world but Evelyn is angry with me so I should be the one to go

"Yeah yeah" I say low enough so someone in this house won't hear and boop her nose. I give her the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I was preparing and ventured upstairs. Philip had gone home for the day to change, pack new bags of clothes and update his parents on everything. I also think he needed some time alone to just process everything, he's been here for Evelyn the whole time. I don't think he's really understood that he lost a child too.

I slowly opened her door and saw my sister in a pile of mismatched pillows with a monitor clip on her finger and her huge uncovered belly protruding through the covers. "You know, I don't get to lose my baby and you at the same time" She cried and flipped me off. I was quick to make my way over and lay down next to her. My shoulder was soaked from her tears quick enough as she clinged to me. "I'm so so sorry Evelyn" I hoped that that covered it all. If I could do something to help of course I would, but I will never go into that hospital. 

However if I lost my baby and my sister was ignoring me, I would be pretty upset too. "I went into your room last night and the night before and you were gone. That was such a bitch move. I'm a big fat whale who can't and is not permitted to move that much so that's beyond cruel" She laughed at herself a little at the end but her tears still flowed down her rosy beautiful cheeks. 

I've been unfair towards her. Demanding her to help me through my shit and then abandoning her when she goes through hers? That is so shit in all the ways. I really fucked up there. "I'm so sorry Evelyn. I have no excuse and I know it was a bitch move, I've heard that a lot lately. . ." This is not the time to reminisce back to when August had scolded me for being a bitch. My sister needs me. Even so I couldn't stop my cheeks from heating up. ". . . What do you want to do?" I propose instead with a smile. She's thirty weeks pregnant and on bedrest, she must be bored out of her mind.

"I want you to gossip. Everything that's happening you tell me 'cus that boyfriend of mine is useless for that. When he sees drama at school he walks past it." I laugh at her frustration over a little gossip, but I get it. I get more comfy as I lay my head on hers with her cover over our legs. "Well let's see. Dina Williamson finally got a nose job after you broke it last year and there were these pink notes a little while back" She furrowed her brows and asked. "Pink notes?" 

"Yeah, everyone seemed to get these pink notes in their lockers. Xavier got one and it was about how being gay was actively sinning against God and Jesus. Mine said something about apologising to my body and it mentioned you. So I think it was some Christian girls" She nodded along to the story as she caressed her belly. I wonder how it feels like being pregnant. I mean probably uncomfortable, but what about when baby Charlotte moves. It must feel nice. 

"Have you heard anything about Oscar lately ?" I froze at the mention of my ex best friend. I hadn't spoken to him for months, he however has tried to reach out to me on Instagram. I just never replied to the messages. August deletes them sometimes, I don't know why though. After a while though he just avoided us completely and I was too hung up on August to really care. I hadn't really seen him around either. "No, I haven't. I didn't really like his affection towards me. It made me feel uncomfortable and I'm too high on August anyways"

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