Chapter 7

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I got off my motorcycle at the school, if she's not here, I don't know where to look anymore. I'm still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. I just threw some clothes on in my hurry to get out and look for her. I can't describe what feeling went through me when Philip called me. They were looking for Sophia everywhere, she had just up and left in the middle of the night. I walked inside the school, purposefully speeding up my walk as I searched the halls. That's when I saw her long, cocoa brown hair. It was in a low bun, twigs were poking out of it. Twigs? Why the hell does she have twigs in her hair, she's also shivering and purple-ish.

I started speed walking towards her as I saw her starting to punch her locker. Just an endless stream of punches being thrown. Her fist slamming against the metal plate. I cringed at the sight of her blood smeared all over. I've grown up around blood, but the sight of hers makes me sick. I almost ran over to her, however she didn't even sense me. Evelyn had told me this kinda thing sometimes happens to Sophia. I still didn't know what this thing was or why she acted so distant. Before she would just disappear for days from school, and then suddenly come back even quieter then before, if you didn't look for her you wouldn't know she was there.

She flexed her bloody hand and smiled a type of relieved smile. Did that not hurt her, like at all? I've grown immune to the feeling, but surely she should've at least flinch. "What did the locker do to you Bunny?" I found myself asking her as she jumped. Her whole form tensing together before turning towards me. She didn't give me an answer, instead she hid her fist behind her back. I frowned as my heart sunk for her. I just want to help her. I finally have some kind of contact with her, and I was gonna milk it for it's worth. I stood up straighter and grabbed her arm. Careful not to touch her wounds or bruising. 

Her arm was cold, even through her big hoodie I could feel it. I spread my fingers a little to cover more area and heat her up. I'm sure my whole face showed how concerned I was for her, but right now I couldn't care less. Where had she been, and what had she done? I put her hand ontop of mine and examined the damage, she had definitely broken something. Her skin was ripped multiple places, she had old scars all over her hand, she's done this before. Multiple times, I can tell because I have the same scars.

"What happened bunny?" I interrogated her, I could feel my voice straining in a weird way, but I was too mad to care. She looked so broken and in pain. Her eyes were red, her eyelashes thick with tears and her cute, little button nose was red. Her lips were cracked and bloody, she had picked on them. Yet she somehow still looked beautiful, and it was clear she was battling some inner demons. I desperately wanted to just care for her, remove the twigs from her hair and hug her until she felt better. She looked down at our shoes and tried to wiggle her hand out of my grip. I didn't let her do it, my thumb rubbed her arm. "August" She spoke out quietly, her gaze trained on my jeans. I looked down and saw some of her blood staining them. 

"Don't worry Sophia, I have other jeans at home. Where were you all night?" I questioned her, I could see she didn't want to answer me. But I need to know, she was missing all night and I was so fucking worried. I looked down at her, starring trying to make her tell me. "At home" Her voice was louder then before but it was so hoarse and horrible, it wasn't Sophia's voice. I unintentionally cringed a little and saw her cower away slightly. "Tell me" I demanded in a deeper voice, her head hung low as I watched a single tear fall down between our shoes.

I cupped the side of her face, her skin felt so smooth and cold. The air between us suddenly felt thick, I knew she felt it too. I wanted to hit myself for making her cry even more. I wired my jaw shut as I didn't know what to do, what is she comfortable with, what would scare her. She leaned into my touch and closed her eyes. Small bubbles filled my chest as my instinct was to dry her other tears. "You don-" I didn't want her to say something ruining this moment, where I'm allowed to help. So I grabbed her cold body and pressed her towards me in a hug. Cradling her head towards my chest as I leaned mine on hers. 

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