Chapter 29

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Watching the beat of her chest had become an obsession for me months ago. Watching it rise up and down as she lay sleeping, it calmed me knowing her body gets what it needs the most to keep my girl alive. I fixate the most when I can't sleep, my mind running trains of insecurity through me, but watching Sophia sleep helps me. Her eyelashes placed so delicately upon her cheeks. Even in her sleep her cheeks are rosy. She is everything I could ever need or want in this world. 

The breeze from the windows cool down my sweaty self, even this late in December it's too warm inside. She closes my windows and I open them at night. She overheats too, but she's scared of the monsters who can crawl in. That's her excuse anyways. Tonight I worry about the truth. The truth that will break my girl's fragile heart. She's not strong enough to hear the truth and I'm not strong enough to tell her. 

It's something that keeps me up most nights, and she never knows. She never will know and no one will ever tell her. I've made sure of that. So I've resorted to watching her sleep as a sedative.  Call it primal instincts but whenever she eats I feel at ease as well. It makes me feel calm and collected. My eyes divert from my girl as my phone vibrates loud enough to wake the whole house. I hold my breath in hopes Sophia doesn't wake up. She needs sleep, just some Goddamn uninterrupted fucking sleep. I grab my phone and unlock it. This better be fucking important.

Wilson Danvers: We got a problem down at the ring.

I groaned at the message. I was done with them, all of them, yet somehow I kept getting pulled back in all the damn time. I want to stay here with my girl in my happy little bubble, because I know the minute I step out of here I'm gonna fucking flip. I don't want to do that, I don't want to feel angry anymore. I type back a message to him.

Me: Do I need to be there?

Wilson Danvers: They're talking about Sophia. 

A sharp pain ran through my chest, my breath hitched in my throat almost choking me. I don't think I've ever been faster then this in my life before. My mind going black as I stood up to grab my clothes. Quickly scribbling down a note for Sophia, just in case something should happen. I put it next to her phone so I know she'll find it. I don't want her to be upset with me again. Walking out to the living room I notice it's fucking freezing here.

I quickly crank up the thermostat for her before grabbing my keys and bolting. I swear if they as much as plan something to do towards Sophia I will kill every single bastard with my bare hands. I sat inside my car and sped down the road as quick as possible, not even registering anything I drove past, just one thing on my mind her safety. The warehouse wasn't that far away from our home, twenty minutes max. I just need to make sure they understand who the fuck they think they are dealing with here.

I can end them all in twenty minutes if I need to. They have to understand that before they make some fucking petty threats. My head pounds with the extra load of this stress. They'll fucking tell her and she'll leave me, I know it. I'll be completely ruined because of her. She has been like a parasite, and she's wiggled herself into every crevice of my body. When she leaves I will shut down. No, August. Don't even think about it. I pull up and see Wilson outside on the stairs, a cigarette hanging loosely on his lips, a hoodie covering his face. Wilson is loyal to me, he knows I'll be there for him in exchange he's there for me. 

Parking recklessly I jump out and speed walk up to him, my mind on one thing only. "Where the fuck are they?" I yell to his face. He stands up and stubs out his cigarette. He points up the stairs he was sitting on. He's so used to my bullshit he doesn't flinch. I walk up the steps, Wilson following closely behind me. I would call Philip too, but he doesn't need to be brought back into this. He just got out. 

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