Chapter 12

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We drove out to a secluded area, his hand soundly on my thigh. Looking around through the tinted windows I realised this is a race track. We're gonna be racing tonight. Grinning I looked over at August, his face bright in a smile as well. I squealed as we drove further in to where the roads are. "You're taking me racing?" I exclaimed unable to contain my excitement as he chuckled. His chuckle quickly becoming my favourite sound, right below his morning voice. Oh God, his morning voice.

Never in my whole life have I been that horny because of a sound. "Yeah, you asked me Soph" August pointed out as he drove into a place populated with people. His hand slid off my thigh before he killed the engine of his beautiful car. We were still wearing our costumes, which I'm now regretting seeing as there are many people here. I forced him to take some pictures with me earlier, real pinterest quality. This was something I never wanted to forget, something I wanted to cherish forever. I watched as August held his hand out for me to grab. Our hands were so similar yet so opposite. We both had fight scars, busted knuckles, but his hands were rough whilst mine were smooth.

My eyes fleeted around observing the audience. There were stands filled with various people, women, men, girls, boys even kids. They were all watching the racers. I don't understand how this is entirely legal, but I won't butt in it. The outfits being worn fit the aesthetic of this whole place. Neon colours and casual clothing were spread all over the stands. My gaze fleeted over at the cars racing today. A neon green car and a black car, the neon matching it's beautiful driver. I couldn't work out which car models they were, but none of the cars were boring. I completely zoned out of August's conversation as I watched the pimped up girl stand between them announcing the commencing of the race. I felt my hand being pulled. Turning towards the man before the two of us, putting on a charming smile.

His skin was dark as mocha. He was tall, almost as tall as the giant beside me. His teeth were showing, almost equivalent to white. There were still spots of stains, coffee stains I told myself. I smiled back and held out my none occupied hand to shake. He shook it and pointed towards August. "This your doing?" He asked me, his voice oddly comforting as I widened my smile and nodded. Before gesturing to myself. "As I'm wearing a one piece myself I can't say nor will I say anything about the situation" I confidently announced as I looked around me once again. More people crowding in.

"Oh, she a fancy British chick. Reeves" He introduced himself, I shook it and looked up at August. He was glaring at someone in the stands, following his gaze I saw Oscar. His stare was on me and August. His plastic cup crumbled and liquid was all over his hand. I cringed at the sight, I tugged on August's hand, making him crouch down. Whispering the question in his ear. "Why are you glaring?" He growled lowly as I tighten our hold. "Not glaring. Simply telling him to fuck off" He stated in a not so hushed whisper.

"It just so happens to be through my glare" Sighing I looked down at the ground as I didn't like Oscar's stare on me. It made me feel awkward and icky, if word somehow got out that the daughter of the richest man was seen here. The headlines would never stop, however I doubt my dad would mind, I would. "So why is pretty girl and you here?" Reeves asked August, clearly not paying attention to the death glares August is sending up the stands. I was kinda glad Oscar wasn't in my life anymore at this point. I was sick and tired of the sexual innuendos. "Her name is Sophia, use it, and we're racing" August barked out towards poor Reeves. He hadn't done anything.

I punched August's shoulder as he finally stop glaring at Oscar and paid attention to the people in front of him. "Don't be rude towards Reeves just because you're pissed" I scolded him, Reeves burst out laughing in the background as the corners of August's mouth lifted before he leaned down and placed a peck on my pout. The corners of my mouth mimicked August's as Reeves continued to laugh. His laugh very entertaining.

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