Chapter 22*

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He laughed in my face. Like a real ugly ass 'You are stupid' kinda laugh. "Xavier Jean Valois!" I cursed and punched his arm as hard as I possibly could. I had a real problem here, a big one and he was laughing it off as a joke. He cursed from the punch and held his bruised arm. "Why did you call me? Evelyn is home" Well that was true but I hadn't talked to her about anything with August and I couldn't be bothered to retell everything. Xavier knew everything and had been there.

"Stop asking me questions and help me fix this fast" I yelled at him, I was down right panicking here. I hadn't picked up August's phone calls or his messages since last night. It was a wonder he hadn't come knocking on my door by now, I know he would've. "You do love him though right? So what's the problem here Sophia?" I looked at the French beautiful man and scowled. "I do love him but I..." 

In reality I know nothing about him. Not really when I think about it. Well there is his house and the fact that he loves racing. He beats people up all the time and. . . that's about it. That's all I know about him. He doesn't have a brother, I don't know about his mother and father except that they don't speak to him or each other. Which is apparently common knowledge. He sleeps around, permanently wears a scowl or a smirk and has a little sister. 

He, well he. . . I don't know anymore. "I don't want him to know that I love him yet" I argue back and stand up, my legs fell asleep sitting criss cross apple sauce on Xavier's bed. I hated the feeling of prickling feet, it made me feel nauseous and especially the static tv feeling. "That's a stupid argument Sophia and you know it. You're being a coward" He exclaimed annoyingly, I didn't turn around because I knew it was in fact a stupid argument and that he was right. "I don't know, I just. I don't know him Xav. I don't know him" I tell him honestly. "Well, maybe you should try. Loverboy is calling you" His timing was just perfect, urgh.

I throw my phone at Xavier. Feeling the jitters fill my body. "You answer him" Rolling his eyes he was kind enough to do so as I sat back down again, my legs turned jelly. "It's not your bunny. It's Xavier" He bluntly answered, I groaned and sat down on the bed again. He didn't have to be rude towards August. "I don't like you either so. . ." Xavier smugly said with a sarcastic smile.

"No she is not here. Try someone else. . . No this is my phone stupid" I quickly snatched my phone back and hung up quickly. Knowing full and well August didn't like being insulted, in fact even when I do it he gets pissy. "Fuck" I cursed out as I stood up and gathered my stuff, I don't know what to do. "You gonna take my advice?" Xavier taunted and wiggled his eyebrows. With my finger flipping him off and my eyebrows furrowed I left the room. "Love you too mon cherie" I practically ran down the stairs and into my car.

So maybe I was wearing August's hoodie, and maybe I was gonna drive to his house. I hate this, he hasn't said anything and here I am ruining this because I'm awkward. My phone called again and as much as it made me want to wet myself I accepted it. I owe him that much, I'm not exactly the most reliable person to not killing myself. "This better be you Sophia" I winced at his angry tone and the lack of my stupid but sweet nickname. Gulping harshly I answered with a meek. "Yeah" There was loads of noise in the background, people shouting something. He growled through the phone.

"I'm coming to get you, where are you?" He sounded so mad, why was he so mad at me? "No" I shouted out in a panic as an immediate response. I wasn't ready, this was so fucking stupid. Reminder to myself to never ever pick up phones when I'm sleepy. "Sophia" It came out as a warning, and I yielded to it. He wouldn't stop and I didn't want it to get scary not that he would hurt me ever. "I'm in my car" I uttered as shy as a baby lamb. "Drive to my place" It didn't come as a question nor as a plea. It came as an order, a demand for me to go through with.

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