Chapter 10

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I looked down at the crimson red toilet paper again, just staring at it. "Fuck" I cursed as I threw it in the toilet. My periods are very painful. Writhing in agony and popping pills type of pain. It scared me more then relaxed me. I never understood the happiness of getting your period. Sure for the sexually active it was a reminder that they were in fact not pregnant. However, I was not sexually active right now, therefore I didn't need this reminder. It was just painful and messy.

I leaned over to the draws and pulled out a pad, lining it up in my underwear. I was very thankful that I had my own bathroom, I always felt so awkward opening a pad. It made so much sound and I didn't like it. I lined the pad up with my underwear and just sat there a minute, trying to woman myself up to face the rest of the day. I need to go get some painkillers and pack them so I don't get cramps at school. I took a deep breath and stood up, pulling my leggings up with my panties.

I washed my hands and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was in two French plaits and my face had a glow to it. I looked pretty good, my eyelashes were long and made me feel even more beautiful. I walked out of my bathroom into my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. I was actually up early today. I woke up at six, I couldn't go back to sleep so I just sat and thought about August. Yesterday we got McDonald's and went home to my house. Eating in my room. I don't think I've ever done that. Our family always eat in the kitchen, we've just been raised like that.

It was so much fun, we just sat there and talked about everything and anything. August left very late, he stayed with me the whole day, constantly making sure I was feeling okay. My room smelled like him for hours after, making me fall asleep feeling safe. The fact that I pressed my nose into the pillow he had laid on after he left was weird. I don't even know why I did it, I just did. And it made me miss him even more. I've never felt like this with anyone, sure I've had crushes, yet none were this intense. I also may have never acted on them before.

The only question on my mind was how to act today. Where we something more then friends? Were we friends? If I saw him should I say hi?

"Soph, we need to leave" Evelyn yelled up the stairs. I groaned and stood up, getting my Jordan's and backpack. I needed to get the painkillers, I couldn't afford not too. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, seeing mum there all dressed up for work. "Good morning baby" She chirped with a bright smile. The uncomfortable pressure in my stomach became intenser, a subtle hint a cramp was on it's way. "Good morning Mummy" I replied as I went to hug her. She smiled a sad smile as she realised what was happening. "Oh my big baby" She gasped, her voice filled with pity. I held in a sniffle as I started crying.

Her hands rubbed my back as I held her tighter to me. "Is it your period?" She asked as she pressed my head into her shoulder. Mum was taller then me, she was like model tall. At times I wondered if she didn't have any children would she be a model. My back felt better as she rubbed. I smelled her shirt, she always smelled wonderful, like home. It was something that calmed me down whenever I hurt. I nodded at her previous question as she pulled me out at arms length. "Do you wanna stay home?" She questioned as she wiped my tears again. I smiled a soft smile.

"No, I don't. I wanna try going to school and if it gets too bad I'll go home. I promise" I told her as I pulled out of her embrace and grabbed the box with ibuprofen of the counter. I turned around and saw my mum in the morning sun. Her caramel hair lighter from the UV rays. She was genuinely gorgeous. I smiled a proper smile and kissed her cheek. "Bye" I added and walked past her to the hallway. I grabbed my car keys and walked out to my car.

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