Chapter 8

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My teacher was going on and on about how much this test meant for our grade. I scoffed at her wasting our study time by telling us we have to study. My mind just flux back and forth from what happened with August last week. I haven't really reached out to him nor him to me. And I'm strangely okay with that. My phone vibrated in my pocket, seeing as this was going nowhere I decided to read it, God knows I'll fail anyway with all this drab. Our group chat, The three musketeers, was blowing up with messages about some concert with a local band. I didn't really wanna go at all. I wanted to stay at home in my PJs and watch Mr. Bean all night.

Oscar:  We can see you're reading the messages, Sophia. So you're coming to the concert tonight?

I rolled my eyes at the message. I didn't wanna go, definitely not now. Who were we gonna listen to anyway? And why was Oscar wanting to go, he hates loud music and flashy lights which I'm gonna go ahead and guess there's a lot of. I'm not going, but I'm to awkward to say that. Maybe just slowly say no.

Me: I don't know. Who's even playing?

Evelyn: Come on Soph.

Evelyn: Who even cares who plays, just come with us for a while and socialise.

Oscar: Yeah, live a little maybe?

I flared my nose at the Oscar's message. Last I checked I'm very much alive and breathing, I'd be dead if not. But he knows I can't just live a little the way he wants to. He wants me to go to some loud ass concert, with many people tightly pressed up each other. I don't think me and my anxiety can handle that. I looked over to the other side of the classroom to see Evelyn pout at me, basically coercing me to go.

Me: Fine.

I put my phone down and picked up my black pen. Doodling up in the corner when my teacher goes. "Anything to share with the class, Ms. Miller?" I looked up at her ugly, fat face and glared.  Seriously? We literally just put our phones away and then she comments on it. I scoff and look back down again. All eyes on me, I tried to ignore them all looking down and doodling on my page. They'll look away soon, I know they will. "Good, now back to what I was saying. The seating arrangement that will be passed around now are the permanent ones for the rest of the year, they will also be your partners for upcoming projects" She announced as she got the piece of paper. I was desperately hoping to sit with Evelyn, let me sit with Evelyn.

I crossed my fingers, toes, arms and legs. Just someone nice at least, who wouldn't let me do all of the work alone just to take credit when it suits them. I fucking hate them, and they would probably make me punch them. Sighs and grunts were heard all around the class as she started reading up the names. The nerds were paired up with some of the popular people. How lucky, they're gonna be taken advantage off. This teacher really is blind, does she not think with her brain?

I feel bad for them all. There was absolutely no point in changing our seats. I was fine on my own. I could sit here and do my assignments and if it was shit, it was my own consequence. I looked at the couple that got paired together. They looked happy, just wait until they break up and they make a big drama about sitting together. I leaned back in my chair as I looked over at Evelyn, she was sat with a some nerd she seemed to know. She's lucky, because they can actually work together.

"Ms. Idle and Mr. Stead" The teacher called out in front of me. I knitted my eyebrows, August was in this class? I didn't even notice that. The girl, Rebecca Idle, I noticed her from the beach. Her black curly hair was unforgettable. She squealed so loud, people miles away could hear her as she ran over to her new seat. I rolled my eyes at her fangirl behaviour. He wouldn't pay loads of attention to her would he? Or are they very good friends? Great, I'm insecure about him now.

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