Chapter 32

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Today I leave the empty house. Her stuff is all gone from it, the love she held for me, I've snuffed it out of the place. I sold my cars last week, yesterday I gave my house to Ruby. She doesn't get it until she's 18, but at least it isn't mine anymore. I heard Sophia was leaving for London next week, she still hasn't said a word to me. Not a word for 30 days, 730 hours, 2 628 000 seconds. I haven't heard from her, seen her, held her. That piece of good she gave me is completely gone.I booked plane tickets for Seattle when I heard she was going to London. I thought, if I move there, it's far enough away from her so that she feels better, and just far enough away that I can't reach her. Also if she was moving, I wanted to move too. Then there was nothing holding me here. Everything has been packed and shipped off to Seattle before hand. No turning back now. Evelyn came over yesterday to get her stuff. She had new born Charlotte with her, so I got to say goodbye to her. Philip will come over to Seattle in the weekend and help me settle in before he goes home to his beautiful family.

I still love Sophia, I know I always will. My parents used to call me a monster, I never really believed it before I saw the look on my loves face. The horrified gaze as she learnt what I had done to someone she loved. I'll never wipe that face from my mind, I deserve it haunting me at night. 



Met up with some people for a birthday dinner in Seattle. People like me. Still haven't heard from Sophia.


I stalked her Instagram for changes almost everyday. She seems to enjoy London, I believe she's forgotten about me.


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