Chapter 3

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I jumped at the sound of the front door slamming shut, almost shaking the house. Oh fuck, Evelyn. I totally forgot to tell her about everything, and why I flaked on school. Shit, shit, shit. I quickly jumped out of bed and paused Mr. Bean as I pulled my hair up in a messy bun. I heared her running up the stairs. I wiped under my eyes and stood there waiting for her excessive knocking.

And there it is. She's knocking like a mad man. "You know what, fuck it. I'm barging in!" She screams and opens the door wide open as I was going to open it. I take a quick look at her. Her eyes were frantic and her breathing was rapid as if she ran home. That's a long way to run, I should know. I run it a lot.

Her eyes scanned my body, searching for any injury. I had changed into my pajama shorts and a t-shirt since I came home and also had a long shower. My knuckles didn't look that bad, so if she wasn't searching she wouldn't have noticed for a few days and by then it would've been almost as good as new. But she didn't wait, she's seen it now. "Sophia" She whispered, her voice filled with pity as she drops her bag on the floor and quickly closes the door. She looked like she was gonna cry.

She walks carefully over to me and hugs me. That's all I needed for the tear to fall. Only one this time, but it felt good to cry to her. "Tell me what happened?" She asked with a light voice as we slid down on the floor. My carpet prickling my thighs a little. I leaned against my bed and sighed. "I don't know what it is I'm feeling, Ev" I tell her honestly. She grabs my hand and grazes her thumb over my busted knuckles. It didn't hurt, she was so careful. Almost afraid to hurt me.

"I think first of all, mum should look at your knuckles. They may be broken like last time. They sure do look broken. Second of all, can you tell me what happened today? I-i've heard rumours, however I'd like to hear my sisters version" I looked into her blue, ocean eyes. She was the definition of beauty, true beauty. I'm so glad I have an understanding sister. I lean my head on her shoulder. Her hand goes to brush through my hair.

It's the most comforting gesture I know.  Evelyn is definitely my safe zone, she makes me feel loved. It's always been us two against the world. At least it feels like that. I closed my eyes and prepared to tell her the ridiculous things that happened today. It really was stupid to feel this way. Still, I felt like Evelyn might understand this. Maybe she can make me feel a little better.

"Well, you know I ran from you and Oscar. Because I was late. Well, I ran into August Stead. Quite literally as well. He spilled his drink all over me and himself, the walls, the floor, everything was covered with blue raspberry slush" I told her with a light hearted laugh. It was quite funny. The janitor probably needed to bleach the stain out of the wall. I sighed and continued. "First of all he's really rude as well. My bum and nose hurt like a bitch. This man's chest is as hard as a rock, any way. He was really grumpy about it all, and called me a bitch. Basically blaming me. I retorted, I can't really remember exactly what but yeah and then the spawn of Satan laughed at it" I laughed out. Ev looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"The spawn of Satan?" She asked as if it was the wierdest thing I had said. "Oh yeah, the guy that is with August like twenty four, seven. He's weird and dresses in all black clothes" I explained and her whole face lit up in recognition. "Satan spawn is Philip Jackson, you idiot" She laughed out, My eyes almost bulged out of my head. Sweet little Philip from nursery had turned dark. "No, that can't be" I said dramatically all in one breathe.

"Anyway, continue your oh so great story" Ev said and sat back again. I cleared my throat. "Oh yeah, so he was all like blah blah blah and I was like your a dick. And then he asked if I knew who he was. The attitude on this boy you know. I turned around and said, How could I not know about the arogant bad boy, August Stead. Infamous for punching everything with a different opinion to yours and fucking everything with a vagina. I also told him I couldn't careless" I sat up, facing Evelyn. She looked genuinely interested in this story. All I felt was second hand annoyance.

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