Chapter 14

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I leaned against my headboard in frustration. Xavier had come over to help me study for this maths test we're having tomorrow.  I haven't been to maths in person for a while so to say I'm way behind is a serious understatement. Anyway that was a few hours ago and the furthest we came was opening the book. We ended up gossiping all about me and August. Xav started blappering about the cute guy in the library. Apparently he is new and Xav's gaydar went off. At least now I know that Xav's type is geeky dark haired guy with glasses. To be honest I just think he really wants a boyfriend. Yet, I can't say anything about the matter because I haven't met the new guy.

He slapped my knee playfully as to get my attention back. I snapped my gaze to his eyes, averting it almost immediately after. I hate eyecontact, I can't stand it at all, makes me cry. It was so awkward and nerve wracking like where else am I supposed to look. "Sophia?" Xavier snapped his fingers infront of my eyes. I sighed gently and looked down. "I'm so sorry Xav. I have a lot on my mind apparently"

He laughed slightly before finally closing the book infront of him. I had closed mine a while back, knowing full and well I would have to wing it tomorrow any who. "Where is sexy smouldering bad boy today?" He asked cheekily as I smiled at the mention of August. I couldn't help it anymore, he was carved into my heart. "He couldn't study, something about his brother being in town" I answered as I enter twined my hands, resting them on my knees.

Xavier looked at me with his perfectly shaped eyebrows raised. "What?" I asked with an airy laugh a little scared as to what he may say. He shook his head with a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure it's nothing" He waved off. "No, tell me. What?" I asked once more as I sat up a bit further. Why was he being weird, what did he know? "I've never heard of a frére before. A sœur yes, a brother no" Xav said, his french accent very prominent in the said sentence.

I humphed as I grabbed my phone. "Maybe you just don't know him" I whispered bitterly towards Xavier, how come he knew August had a sister but I don't. He laughed before shaking his head. "You really like him, you're defending him already" He replied as he smirked down to my duvet knowing full and well I had nothing to say back. Was I defending him? I don't like hearing stuff about him, people shouldn't judge before they meet him. He's so kind and sweet.

I just sighed and scooted closer to Xavier. Now I was intrigued and semi-annoyed. August had cancelled on us many times because of his so called brother. I never really thought of it however I probably should have. It's always been his go to excuse. I pressed on the Instagram icon and searched up August's account. No surprise to the zero posts. I see it hasn't changed since I last checked.

Last night.

"How are you going to find his frére here?" Xav asked as he pointed to Instagram. I smiled and clicked on his followers. Luckily he has an open account so I don't need permission to follow and stalk him. He does have many followers though. Over a thousand people. I only have two hundred something. August is so handsome and it seems as if everyone knows of him.

However I post things, he doesn't. That just seems unfair. The norms of teenagers these days are wild. I wish we were more like our parents when they were young. I wish I was more like my parents, they were so fun and had parties. They socialised. They didn't worry about mental illnesses mainly because there wasn't focus on it.  "You see, they have the same last name I presume. I'll just type in the last name and see what's available" I explained to the French homosapien, pun intended.

Typing in Stead no other profiles came up. I furrowed my brows as I went to the search button and searched Stead. August came up and an older woman with the name Stead, however no brother. I turned to Xav. "I think you may be right. He doesn't have a brother, which means he's been lying to me" I whispered as I covered my mouth, why was I judging him without knowing the story. "O-or maybe his brother just doesn't like social media you know" I added trying to make myself feel better.

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