Chapter 25*

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I watched my bunny squirm under my gaze, her skin was coated thick with goosebumps. There were so many things I could do. I could for once let her take control, but that's no fun for me. Besides my Sophia doesn't have a dominant bone in her body. I sighed and as a reaction she bit her lip. Her beautiful dress was still on her body. Glues to her waist, showing off the dip of her waist I love to hold. She was deliciously presented. "Turn around" I ordered, I didn't show anything but a smirk, I want her guessing my next moves. I watched as she did what I told her to do.

In the past I've tried various things with various people. I've tried being a submissive, it was a horrible experience. Being a dominant, I felt as if it was second nature. Sex toys, Oh the toys were fun. I should get us some toys, some to make her really shake in her boots. Watching Sophia quiver with the vibration of something inhuman, now that is what I call hot. I watched Sophia's back curve, the zipper of her dress following the slight curve. She really is beautiful and perfect. She's molded to fit me, she was always meant to be mine.

I grabbed the silver zipper and pulled it down slowly. Taunting both me and her. My knuckles were grazing her spine all the way down to where her thong sat perched. Goosebumps followed the touch of my skin, she even leaned more into my chest when I got to her lower back. I had made a mental note earlier this evening to not ruin this dress, it was too pretty to become a pile of scraps. It clung to all of her modest curves. It was the perfect dress to show off my pretty girl, but keep the rest of her to me. She wasn't showing too much of anything.

She looked so blameless. like an angel who did nothing wrong but be born. Or a person at the wrong place and wrong time. She was clean, innocent, corruptless. That was what the enticing part of her whole dress was. She looked innocent and I was far from, like an angel and her Devil. I knew things and can do things she only thinks exist in her dreams, I can shatter her world. I helped her pull the light blue sleeves off and watched her step out of the dress daintily.

Her body was clad in nothing but white lacy panties. No bra was necessary to make her more beautiful. She was blessed with small perky boobs. I never really liked big boobs, they were too much in the way for some reason. Sophia's body is perfect, her lips, her pussy, her ass, God her ass. I turned her body around to look at me, not wanting to taunt myself with her ass. Her golden brown eyes starring into mine. Cupping her face I wasted no time smashing my lips onto hers, earning the right to swallow her whimpers and whines. My hand wove itself into her hair and pulled hard, taking full control of the kiss. I wanted to completely dominate her tonight. I want her ruined.

As I tugged her hair she bit my lip as revenge, before her tongue darted out and lapped up my blood. I continued letting her lick my blood up, I knew what she was going through, blood was enticing. The way it is contained in our body, yet a small cut can make so much leap out. And the taste, especially when knowing you were the one to draw the blood of someone you love. She and I both aren't squeamish to blood. "August" My name fell from my impure angels lips so softly. Only a mewl of a sound. Her small hands tugging on my dress pants, not quite grasping enough to get them off quite yet.

I pulled her away from my face with her hair the second her small hands landed on my buckle. "You think you have control?" My angel smirked at me, squeezing my dick in her hand, even through my pants it felt like heaven. I pulled away not wanting her to feel so smug, I would have her ruined beneath me before the end of the night. "You think you have power?" I sneered at her, glaring showing her just how mad that made me. She didn't tell me she would be in the same room as Oscar fucking Smithson.

I trailed off, deciding she could handle it. "You're just my little bitch. You're my new, shiny, pretty toy" Her tits were moving up and down faster, her thighs were pressed deliciously tight together. She liked this. She fucking likes the degrading I provide her. If I was anyone else I know she would have damn well ducked me by now. But me, me she loves. I guided her to get down on her knees, her face on level with my dick. The sound of my buckle filled the quiet room. Her red cheeks and puffy lips were waiting patiently to get stuffed. "Show me what you can do" It was simple, she knew what to do and I know she knew how too. She knows what I can do and if she ever wants me doing that again she needs to be a good girl for me.

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