Chapter 31

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It must be the coldest day of the year. It's below 14 Fahrenheit today. My fingers feel frozen as I hold a tight grip on the steering wheel of my boyfriends car. I decided to go meet with Oscar, ask him what he knows. I've never seen August in such a state like he was last night. He seemed drunk but overly aware of himself. I don't know, it was weird. 

I doubt he'll mind me taking his car anyhow. He can't drive it today anyway and I don't think he'll notice to be honest. I rushed out of the house, forgot to eat breakfast. Was scared if he woke up, he'd ask me where I was going, I would tell him and then he would talk me out of it. I don't want to be talked out of this, I'm so sure I could bet my left arm that it has something to do with me. The gravel crunched under the weight of the car as I pulled into Oscar's driveway.

Oscar is a person I don't particularly like that much, he's annoyingly stubborn and last year he kept trying to sleep with me, yet out of the kindness of my heart I stayed friends with him. That is until August, I guess I kind of abandoned everyone for August. I don't really feel the need for anyone else though, he's all I need. I knock three times, maybe I should've sent him a text that I was coming over, or maybe this was just as good.

I hear his feet lead up to the door as the door handle rattled in front of me. The door swinged up to a well groomed Oscar in a polo shirt. The pit in my stomach grew larger at the fact that he was groomed and I literally just rolled out of bed. But I couldn't wait, I need to know. Despite the fact that August's hoodie is hugging my body, his smell wrapping possessively around myself, I smiled at Oscar and said. "May I come in? It's freezing out here" An awkward chuckle followed as if on call. He smirks an ugly smirk, his teeth are crooked, but not in the way August's teeth are slightly crooked, because August is beautiful. No, Oscar is ugly. "Well if it isn't Sophia Miller at my doorstep. Tell me, does August know you're here?" His voice is coy and rude. "It's still cold out here" My teeth chatter as my arms are wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry, yeah come in" Oscar mumbles, he lets down his arrogance for a second. He closes the door pretty violently I'd say behind me. I take my shoes off because I know Oscar's mum doesn't like shoes in the household. I follow him into the living room. I don't wanna go to his room with him, so, I'm glad this is where we ended up. I plop down in the soft cream coloured couch. I sit a fair distance from him, I kind of regret my decision now. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I know it's August, I just don't wanna give Oscar the satisfaction of knowing I came here without him.

"So what can I do for you today, Sophia?" I nibble on my bottom lip. My hand instinctively went in my pocket, fidgeting with my phone, but not looking at it. There's a lump in my throat now. Do I really wanna know? August doesn't want me to know. Why should I know? What is there to know? "Well, August told me that there was something you knew that he doesn't want me to know. And well, I'm a curious human by nature and I kind of need to know. I can't help it, will you maybe tell me?" My hands are sweating at this point, the pit in my stomach is at the size of a boulder and the lump in my throat makes me have to think about breathing.

Oscar's face lights up in a. Disgusting manner. "Did he tell you this willingly?" I roll my eyes before uncrossing my legs, ready to leave. Oscar stops me as he anxiously shouts. "Wait, I-I'll tell you. Just don't go Sophia" He whispers the last part, as if I should feel bad for him. I sit back down again and wait for what he has to say. "Do you know about the club?" My eyebrows furrow and I shake my head no. "What club?" I ask, he looks genuinely shocked that I don't know what he's on about. "The fight club? He's been fighting there for four years. I'm surprised he hasn't told you" Oscar said this with compassion, he wasn't trying to be horrible, yet whatever he says comes out horrible because he is who he is. I shake my head a little stunned to speak. That's why he was black and blue and always has some sort of injury going on.

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