Chapter 2

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One Women Army by Black Porcelain

I'm on the battlefield, like, oh my God

Knockin' soldiers down like House of Cards

I'm a one woman army

Yes, I'm a one woman army

It's been a couple of weeks since the incident at the avenger compound and since you came back home. In the quiet clearing surrounded by trees in Missouri. Now sitting on the front porch taking in the peace and quiet of the surroundings. The calm breeze cuts through the air, manoeuvring through the space of the trees. Making them sway. There are sounds of the birds and all the other creatures that roam around.

You come back here after every mission to relax and take a break. There is a big contrast between the darkness and red from each mission compared to the beauty and green of the land. This was your home now for many years and you always make sure to be there for every birthday, Christmas, and all the Barton holidays in between.

Clint adopted you back when you were about 10 years old after your parents were killed. You are grateful that Clint and Laura welcomed you into their growing family. At the time Copper was just a fetus and Clint and Laura were newlyweds but they were great parents from the first day he brought you to the house. They made you feel loved, unlike your biological family. With movie and game nights and pancake breakfasts, you felt peace for the first time in your life. Yet it did take some time to feel comfortable with them, but ever since then, they felt like your real family.

You wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world.

You see the boys running around the yard chasing each other, doing whatever boys do. Even though there was quite a big age difference between Cooper and Nathan, they were still like two peas in a pod. While Lila was more of the independent type. She was practicing her archery. Lila was definitely her father's daughter.

You miss being home but at the same time if you are there for too long you start getting cabin fever. Your mind gets plagued with the worst-case scenarios if you stop fighting. What will happen to your family or any other family if you stop? What monsters will come knocking at your door if you stop? That's why you don't, you never stop fighting.

You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't hear Laura come outside and sit next to you. "Hey what's going on inside that head of yours." She asked while she put her hand on your shoulder and gave you a reassuring motherly squeeze. "Nothing, just enjoying the peace and quiet" You lied but Laura knew better.

"Whatever you say, sweetie. By the way, how are your injuries"

" All healed and never better. It still amazes me how well you can fix someone up." It was true in the mere moments you were home you were already fixed up and healing. All The pain suddenly disappeared. " You do remember who I am married to right, I was also a SHIELD agent once upon a time."

"How can I forget, the number of times I have seen you fix him up I don't know where he would be without you" You see the love between Clint and Laura and sometimes you believe that they are soulmates. No matter what crazy mission Clint would go on he would always come back home to her, and she would be there waiting. He relied on her as much as she did on him. They were a perfect fit for each other.

Laura sighed looking out in the pasture watching her children play around " I don't know, probably dead or in the circus" you both shared a laugh. After a few minutes, she got up " dinner will be ready soon" and left you back on your own.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now