Chapter 17

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Can't take my eyes off you: Frankie Valli
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

Slowly but unwillingly you start to wake up from what could be easily the best sleep of your life. Not a single nightmare or even beginnings of one. No night sweats or tremors. Just blissful sleep all through the night. You start to fluff your 'pillow' which is harder than usual when you hear a gruff laugh. You open your eyes to find yourself laying on top of a certain soldier who is lazily drawing patterns across your skin and the events of last night come back.

"Morning" you mumble as you cuddle back into your bare chest not wanting to escape his warmth. He laughs once more thinking about how adorable you look using him as a pillow. "Good Morning Y/N. What are you doing?" His voice raspy and deep sent a shiver through your body straight down to your core.

"You got great tits Rogers." You place your hands on his pecs giving them a little squeeze. "Don't" he said softly, not actually meaning for you to hear him. But you did. Automatically you moved your hands away to respect his wishes however Steve grabbed and placed them in their previous placement, enjoying your touch. "Don't call me Rogers anymore unless I get to call you Mrs. Rogers."

You felt your cheeks heat up at the comment. It wasn't something you expect to hear so early in the morning. Still you couldn't let Steve have the upper hand over you. "Who ever said Steve Rogers can't talk to girls?" His hands slowly made their journey down to your hips, moving them back and forth. You felt his hardened member underneath you.

"I know how to talk to girls, especially my girl." You lowered your face inches away from his still grinding your hips. "I'm your girl huh?" He hummed in agreement "my best girl." Looking down at him, he looked younger with the morning light shining over him. His golden hair splayed out on the pillow as a halo enforcing the angelic look. But his control over the movements of your hips grinding down on him were far from pure.

"So would that make you my best guy, Hot shot." Trying out a nickname if Rogers is off the table. "You bet your sweet ass it does, Star." He tried to lean up to kiss you but you quickly got off of him. His face was pure disappointment not being able to kiss you but seeing the way you swayed your naked hips on the way to the bathroom made it much better.

"Are you going to join me, Rogers." You say teasing him just a bit, leaning against the door frame. You swore you have never seen someone run out of bed as fast as he did. He hauled you over his shoulder and smacked your ass before leading you into the shower.

The shower was anything but clean. You weren't even able to turn on the water before he pushed you on the cold tiles. His lips traced the previous marks and created new ones to add to the collection.

He fell to his knees saying something about loving how you taste and how he can't get enough of it. He however didn't let you cum not yet at least. No he wanted for you to cum on his cock and you did multiple times.

By the end of the shower you were deliciously sore and walking on jelly legs. Steve's ego grew tenfold seeing the way you were walking and knowing he was the cause of it. And his heart soared when you put on one of his shirts. The only shirt he had that wasn't the wrong size for his massive build.

"You're wearing my shirt." He comes behind you, placing his chin on your shoulders and wrapping his hands around you. You were fixing your hair in front of the bathroom mirror looking at his blue eyes in the reflection. "Well I only have the clothes from yesterday and I am way too hungry to go all the way to my room for new ones."

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now