Chapter 25

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Stone cold: Demi Lovato

I'll take the pain
Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you
Stone cold, stone cold
You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold, stone cold
I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold

Waking up with your head in the toilet with the worst headache of your life was one way to start your day. You couldn't care less. Any other feeling than the one of your heart breaking or the feeling of waking up in a cold bed would be better.

The events of last night blurred into one another, except the part of Steve choosing Peggy over you. That part seemed the clearest, mocking you over and over again no matter how much you pushed it down. You see the way he holds her hand, kisses her forehead or how he leaves.

Pushing yourself off the floor, you stand up and see your reflection in the mirror. You looked like a mess with your hair in knots, mascara streaks down your face and an odd outfit. Trying to fix yourself to look less dead, you walk into your room finding Sam's head hanging off the foot of the bed and Nat on the floor curled up with a bottle of tequila. Surprisingly they were both still asleep.

You went to check your phone to see what time it was completely forgetting what your Lock Screen was. Flashing in your face was a picture of you and Steve in Malibu on the beach. It was a surprise date he'd planned, convincing Stark to let you use his beach house. It was one of the best weekends you've spent.

Now looking at it brought nothing but pain. Your vision blurred from the tears unable to look away from the photo. You were so happy. It took your mind a while to process the rash decision you were about to make, but before you knew it you threw your phone at the wall.

The drop to the ground startled Sam and Nat out of their slumber. Their minds were still in a haze from the alcohol, it took them a while to see what was going on. It wasn't till later when they saw you on your knees, picking up the phone. Thank god for SHIELD strength phones or else yours would've been smashed.

They quickly got up to console you knowing what the photo was, at least the Lock Screen one, but you weren't crying. In fact, you looked dead. Empty eyes flicked through the screen to change the screensavers before proceeding to leave the bedroom.

Nat and Sam shared worried glances watching you slip away and they didn't know how to stop it. They rush out the door right behind you, luckily you haven't gone far, still being extremely hungover.

It oddly felt peaceful in the Avengers kitchen. There was this eerie silence surrounding everyone. The usually lively group of people all looked lost in thought, pushing their breakfast around or blankly staring at the cup of coffee. All were there except the two people you don't want to see, which came to a relief.

Once you entered the room all eyes were on you, following your steps until you sat down. Sitting on a bar stool you lay your head down on the cool kitchen island, soothing your headache. Stark was in the kitchen preparing a smoothie and unfortunately for you turning on the blender. "Really Stark!" Sam yelled from his spot at the dining table. 

"Drink this." He replies, giving you, Nat and Sam a weird green smoothie. You were sceptical about drinking it but Tony assured you it was safe to drink and a great cure for hangovers. "Wait, isn't this the same hunk you drank when you had palladium poisoning?" You look from Nat back to Tony who gives you a shrug. "Bottoms up." You chugged back the thick green smoothie, grimacing at the taste.

The room went back to silent for a few minutes which Bucky broke. "Is no one going to talk about the fact that Steve just brought Peggy to the future. Like doesn't that mess with the rules of time travel." Bucky was the only one who saw Steve's relationship with both you and Peggy. Being the only one to witness it he knows that his friend is making a huge and ridiculous mistake.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now