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Sunday kind of love: Etta James

And my arms need someone

Someone to enfold

To keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold

Love for all my life to have and to hold

Oh and I want a Sunday kind of love

"Nat!" You whine after her as she continues to ignore you. "Come on Natttttttie!" She doesn't turn around or stop, making her way through the compound hallways. You were stuck to her like a leech, a stubborn one that can not be removed. Pressed on her back, matching your footsteps with hers. Nat wasn't purposely trying to ignore you, she wasn't that type of person. It was more that she had to leave for this mission that you were benched from.

Once she reached her destination was when she decided to give you the time of day. "I already said no. You're injured and need to rest." There were a few new missions that popped up. Not all were about the serum and not all were Hydra. That still doesn't mean that there wasn't one and Nat wouldn't let you go. None of them would let you go. Keeping you in the dark from your own operation.

During your two weeks of healing, you weren't even able to walk up the stairs without someone hovering over you as if you were a child learning to walk for the first time. You really weren't sure why everyone was acting so strange or maybe it could have been due to a certain Captain. One that feels that guilt of you getting hurt and would do anything and everything to make sure you healed nicely and stayed safe.

The measures that were taken for your 'protection' were honestly a little much. Being banned from all missions and locked out of the gym was not your ideal anything. So as retaliation you did what you knew best i.e. sneaking around and not getting caught.

During the nights you would sneak out like a teenager either to go on a small mission or just to train. You were able to sneak out a few times before they caught on and literally grounded you by taking away your access to any of the quinjets including your own. Even as a teenager you were never grounded but here you are now.

"Never listen to you before and definitely not going to start now." You said strapping on a few of your weapons. Whether or not they like it, you were going on a mission. You are a grown ass woman and no one could tell you what to do. Nat is smart, she knew you weren't going to listen so she wouldn't be the one to stop you. No, that responsibility is falling to someone else.

Heavy, rapid footsteps make their way towards you. The weight and pattern of them belong to one man and one man only. The pain of your existence, the... you actually don't know anymore. Steve was true to his promise he made himself the day you woke up. He wasn't going to leave your side.

Steve consistently checked up on you, asking whether or not you were ok. Always making sure you were comfortable and having your back even for the smallest things. Clearing the path or blocking corners of furniture. This type of affection, level of care wasn't something you were used to.

In all retrospect, you thought that you would have found it annoying. Maybe even have tried to punch him for it. The way your heart constricted in your chest told you otherwise. All of the sweet things he did for you big or small was a massive change in direction for you. You always did things by yourself, for yourself. So having someone else care, you found yourself smiling a lot more and butterflies have made a home in your stomach.

The connection between you was growing stronger.

"What do you think you're doing?" Steve asked, on the shell of your ear, as his hand lightly grabbed yours to remove the dagger. Feeling a shiver run through your spine didn't help formatting words. His chest is so close to your back that you feel his heat radiating around you, wrapping around creating a security blanket that you wouldn't mind staying wrapped up in.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now