Chapter 16

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Bound to you: Christina Aguilera

I found a man I can trust

And boy, I believe in us

I am terrified to love for the first time

Can't you see that I'm bound in chains?

I've finally found my way

I am bound to you

Warning: Smut 18+

He left.

He left you all alone, frozen in the middle of the room. Where you were once dancing holding each other and now you're alone with the ghost feeling of his hands holding you and the lingering feeling of the burning kiss.

Unaware of how much time has passed. To stunned to move, to run after him, you stayed positioned in the same spot replaying the events of the past 48 hours. From the moment the team left to right now, all the moments flashed through your eyes playing like a movie.

Was it me? What did I do wrong? Thinking it was your fault he practically ran out of the room.

You wouldn't even know what to say if you ran after him. Too many possibilities, too many unknowns. Does he have feelings for you? Was it just a kiss? The kiss could have just been a result of the heat of the moment. The cause of the song. Maybe it didn't mean anything.

That's it. You tell yourself in denial. It didn't mean anything. Wiping the broken expression from your face.

You saw the looks from Nat and Sam as they approached you carefully. The condolence in the features after witnessing a passionate kiss that has only ever been written about in fairytale to being left. "What was that?" Sam asked, carefully placing his hand on your shoulder unaware and afraid of your reaction. But you have yet to move from the spot you seemed to be glued to.

"Nothing." Your quick dismissal doesn't go unnoticed. Shaking out of the trance you try to make yourself busy with cleaning up the already spotless area just to avoid any conversation that the two of them might stir up. "That didn't look like nothing." Natasha pointed out. "Well, it didn't mean anything." You didn't know who you were trying to convince more. You or them.

"Ooh, it meant something," Sam said with a little head nod and tooth gapped smirk. "It was just a kiss." Still not bothering to look either of them in the eye. The more you avoid it the more you could pretend that it never happened. Yet your heart wished it had meant something, that the two of you are still in each other's arms.

Who could ever love me?

"No, that wasn't just a kiss," Nat said. What she did next surprised you. She grabbed the sides of Sam's face and pulled him in for a quick kiss. "That was just a kiss," she replied, pulling away from Sam who was in shock. No matter how much you try to convince yourself, the kiss did happen and you want it to happen again. But that won't happen again. Right? "Well, then why did he leave?" You said dropping down onto the couch. Hands covering your face, annoyed at the situation. The question was finally spoken. The one all three of you were asking.

"So you wanted the kiss to mean something?" Nat said as she sat beside you. "I don't know Red. Maybe nothing is meant to happen between us." You said truthfully. You could only imagine the disaster that might arise if you did become a couple. Conditioned from a young age to not have any emotions, especially the stronger ones, wasn't necessarily relationship material. The feeling inside you was an uncharted territory that you didn't know how to navigate and desperately needed a map.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now