Chapter 13

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Gang up

Yeah, I'm always with my gang

We always ready to ride 'cause for the squad, we'll do anything

Stay down, we'll never change

We always gon' stay the same

Put you in check, when you outta place

The steady beeping of the EKG machine mocked Steve telling him that you were alive but still not awake. The ringing etched into his brain as a reminder of the day. Replaying the moment the gun went off, constantly trying to figure out what he could have done differently. It was his fault you were lying here. While you may be alive he will always have a reminder of the day. The day you risked your life for his.

Every time he closes his eyes he sees you in his arms but not the way you were that one morning snuggled up to his side. No this time it was your pale, almost lifeless body draped across his arms. Blood seeping out dying his hands red, your blood would forever be on his hands. He was telling you to fight, repeating it over and over like a mantra. Telling you that you will be alright maybe more for himself than for you.

He almost lost you without even having the chance for you to actually be his.

That was three days ago.

For three days he hasn't slept or eaten, just sitting by your side waiting for you to wake up. Needing you to wake up.

He brushes away a piece of hair that has fallen onto your face. Afraid to touch you as if you were made out of glass. That any touch of his would kill you. A part of him believes it. Steve watches the steady rise and fall of your chest with each breath you take indicating you're very much alive. However it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to see your eyes, your smile, to hear your laugh and not just today but every day until the very end. And it only took seeing you at death's door for him to understand the truth of his feelings towards you.

"Is he still in there?" Nat asked Sam looking through the window. Nat was more concerned about Steve's health than yours. Considering the number of missions the two have been on together it's not uncommon for at least one of you to be in a hospital bed after a rough mission. "Yup. He has been racking himself over for what happened." Sam told her. He has been watching over the two of you for the past couple of hours making sure both of you stayed alive. Even has tried to come in and get Steve to eat but no luck.

"She will pull through. She always does. Isn't the first time Y/N took a bullet meant for someone else." Sam looks over to you then back to Natasha in complete awe. He has heard a few of your daring adventures and every time he still can't believe that you are alive. "Damn that girl is crazy."

Nat patted him on the back "You don't even know the half of it." She pushed the door open to enter your room seeing a 6'1 man hunched over, head bowed down, sitting in a small chair. He hasn't even moved from an inch since they rolled you in here from surgery. Both hands wrapped around one of yours brushing his thumb back and forth just to feel you. Not to mention he barely gave the doctors room to breathe while operating.

The bullet was slowly moving its way towards your lung with each toss of the plane. It was a messy exit. Hydra was hot on your tail trying to shoot the jet out of the sky. Clint and Nat were trying to keep it steady for your sake but they were also trying not to die. Managing to slip away from the missiles they speed back home.

They managed to stop the bleeding, not the bullet. It was quite deep. A steady, professional hand had to take it out. Not a bunch of soldiers whose only medical knowledge consists of what they learn out in the field. Stark called Dr. Cho, telling her to be ready the moment they landed and that she was alongside Jemma Simmons.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now