Chapter 21

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Every time We Touch: Cascada

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side

Nearing 3 months of dating Steve and everything was perfect. He broke down most of the walls surrounding your heart, allowing you to be you. While you gave him the warmth he has been missing all his life.

Once upon a time, you'd have kept him at arm's length. Close enough to show you care but far enough to not hurt them. Now you can't help but crave his touch, to be held by those big muscular arms. For his eyes to fall upon you giving a glimpse of the blue eyes that you love. The calmness that's inside, the hope, the desire.

Gone was the darkness of the storm. The unforgiving thunderous waves were replaced with a light ripple shining in the sun. Truth be told the storm has been calming down since the moment you left the compound the first day.

Both of you were changing each other for the better. Given the possibility of a life your both thoughts were long gone.

Now you are here walking hand in hand, off of the quintet towards the place you call home. "You better step back Steve." He looks at you confused as you go to open the door. Before he asks why three kids and a golden retriever jump on top of you tackling you onto the ground. It's been a while since you came back here. Only having the time to visit once or twice a month. Before it was after every mission since it was and always will be your home. But with Hydra and the serum that has consumed your time it was easier staying at the compound.

"Ok guys get off of Y/N or at least let her inside the house." Laura came to your rescue shooing them off. Like the gentlemen, he is Steve helped you up and kept his hand on the small of your back. Stepping over the threshold inside was decorated for Lila's birthday. With streamers and balloons covering the living room and a table filled with presents.

Hugging Lila in a sister bear hug you wish her a happy birthday before hugging the boys. Steve took the time you were reacquainting yourself with your family to set down the present and join the adults in the kitchen. Clint and Nat flew over a week before you and Steve mainly because of Hydra and trying to locate them.

Not much came from the soldiers in custody but they were still breathing. That was a plus. Bruce had a theory of the serum targeting parts of the brain, conditioning them without doing more work.

Right now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. Not when you are here surrounded by luscious forest surrounded by the people you love, celebrating your sister's birthday.

In true Barton fashion, there were piles amongst piles of delicious food prepared. Your mouth watered simply from the smell and you weren't even going to think about dessert. Helping Laura in the kitchen to set up the food as you usually do despite her telling you to sit down, you feel a pair of hands wrap around your torso. "Doll? What's up with your family, arrows and my face?" Steve asks from behind. You hear Laura snicker before she leaves to place some dishes on the dining table. You turn around to see a plastic suction cup arrow stuck in Steve's forehead.

"Oh poor baby." Pulling the arrow off it left an angry red circle which you tried to soothe with your thumb. He had a fake pout on his face that changed once you leaned up and kissed the spot. "They hate me. Don't they?" Steve mumbles into your neck pulling you closer for a hug. You couldn't help but laugh at the pouting super soldier who could give Lucky a run for their money with the puppy eyes.

"They don't hate you. It's a Barton family game of archery tag." The way he gleamed up at your words. You swore on your life that his eyes never looked so blue. So full of love and purity. "They consider me part of the family?" He asks with the biggest smile that makes your heart almost burst. "You are my best guy aren't you?"

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