Chapter 32

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Survivor: 2WEI (version)

I'm a survivor

I'm not gon' give up

I'm not gon' stop, oh

I'm gon' work harder

I'm the survivor

I'm gonna make it

I will survive

Keep on survivin'

You didn't want to be here but you had to. Instead, you wanted to be back on the couch with Steve. After your conversation with Nat, you went back to the living room where Steve had woken up. He wondered where you went, which you explained that Nat showed up and you wanted to catch up with her. After it was all settled you laid back down in the same position, you on your back with him laying on your stomach. You wish you could play with his newly long hair right now. Playing with the strands and hearing him tell you how good it feels.

To go back to feel bound to him.

But you can't. Not when there's a bag over your head and your hands tied behind your back, being jostled in a plane. "I can see through the bag, you know." There was no response back but you could see you weren't alone. To your right and in front of you were three well-armed and well-trained super soldiers.

You weren't worried one bit. You knew exactly where the plane was heading and what was at the destination. It was all part of your plan. You had to be unpredictable so you were making the first move. To literally anyone but you this may look like you were actually kidnapped and being taken to your demise. But it wasn't it was very far from that.

The plane hit more turbulence causing you to juggle in your seat and accidentally hitting the guy beside you. "Watch it!" He grits through his teeth. "Not my fault, jackass." You spit back. It really wasn't your fault. The plane looked and sounded old, probably even has a propeller.

Finally, after an unknown period of time, it seems as if you have landed. One of the jackasses hauled you out of the plane. You were surprised that you haven't tripped over your feet considering this guy was shoving you forward to keep walking. Until he pushes you into a room and closes the door behind him.

Removing the handcuffs and bag you sit over on the couch facing the alps. "Brother." You address him as he hands you a glass. "Sister. It's good to see you." You scoff. "Can't say the same." He sits on the chair right in front of you, with his foot resting on his opposite knee. He leans back taking a sip of his drink, dark eyes staring at you, testing you, waiting to see the fragile creature he has been waiting for.

But you weren't her anymore.

"Let's cut to the chase. What do you want?" You sat back as well waiting for an answer. "What makes you think I want something. Especially from the likes of you." Always a stuck-up ass. Clearly, this wasn't going to be one of those spy movies where the villain explains their entire plan and the good guy stops them. No this wasn't that. You were playing the long game, always were.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now