Chapter 12

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Angry too: Lola Blanc

And I don't wanna drink the venom they made me

I don't wanna be controlled by the past

Boy if you were me, could you really blame me?

Would make you crazy

A month.

30 days.

730 hours.

43800 minutes.

A month and nothing big has popped up on the radar. There have been a few missions here and there. They were small, run of the mill type ones. In and out, a two-person operation. Hydra agents were apprehended but there was no trace of the serum. The bases were mainly used for the new breed of super soldiers to be contained until they were of use. One base though was one you really thought would be the answer to everything.


It wasn't easy by any means but with all of the Avengers fighting together it was over pretty fast. It did however take them a few minutes to actually start working as a team. The whole time preparing for the mission was them arguing back and forth on how to approach it. Then on the plane ride over it was the exact same thing. You have been eyeing the parachute since you stepped foot into the plane.

You thought it would have blown over once the actual fight started but boy were you wrong. It took a while but after that hiccup, they were working like a well-oiled machine. The only problem like all the others was the lack of the Hydra head in charge of this whole operation. Find them and stop this whole thing. Part of you believes that they don't even exist. That this is just some wild goose chase. Or maybe the answer is right under your nose and you can't see it.

On the bright side the super-soldiers who were apprehended are still locked up in the SHIELD holding facilities. Not all hope was lost if you could get an answer out of them.

"You need to take a break." You turn your head around to see Steve leaning against the door frame casually with his jacket in his hands. "I just woke up from a nap." You stated matter of factly. He just laughed walking towards you. He moved your legs off of the couch you were currently laying on so that he could have space to sit beside you.

Ever since the movie night you could say the two of you have gotten closer. After Steve heard you saying all the lines he couldn't keep his eyes away. You even ended up sharing your popcorn even though he was hesitant in trying the mixture of sweet and salty used to the plain buttery popcorn, he did enjoy it thoroughly.

Your relationship with Steve was changing and neither of you really noticed. It started out with fewer fights to minimal friendly conversations to laughing with each other. Yet it still wasn't as comfortable as your conversations with Sam or Nat but it was getting there.

"You find anything." You let out a yawn and a soul-stretching stretch before answering. "Nope." Exaggerating the 'p'. He got up as fast as he sat down. "Come on then that's enough for tonight." Extruding his hand towards you. Instead of taking it you ignored it and put your feet back up. "The day isn't over yet Rogers." You were typing away on your laptop finding the next clues to this not so fun game.

"Come on Barton." Rarely does anyone use your adopted last name because of confusion with which Barton they were talking to and your birth name was dead to the world therefore sticking to your first name. Steve knew it would get your attention away from the screen. "I'm fine Steve." He wasn't going to take no for an answer. So he took you by your feet and tried to drag you away. You grabbed onto the back of the couch to stop his efforts.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now