Chapter 6

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Fighter: Christina Aguilera

Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter

Cancún, Mexico, truly is beautiful. There was so much colour and culture and life. From the beaches to resorts and restaurants to the nightlife, it was a great place for a vacation. However, you are not here to relax. There are rarely any moments you do find to relax. Instead, you are here to meet an old-time informant.

Moments after the interrogation you were already on your way to packing a go-bag and heading to Mexico. It wasn't a long flight, to begin with, but with the speed of the Quinjets, you made it in record time. The bright sun and blazing heat were a drastic change from the still cold and wet New York. Big chunky jackets traded for loose tops and shorts. Sunglass and bikini instead of hats and scarfs

People flooded the streets, regulars who were either working or going about their day or tourists who were taking in the attractions and buying souvenirs. You manoeuvred your way through the crowds of people and occasionally you got annoyed at those who were walking at the speed of a snail. Still managing to get to your rendezvous point.

Sitting at a café, sipping some sort of a tropical drink, through your sunglasses you see your contact. The French mercenary George Batroc. To this day, Batroc has provided you with useful information, for the right price and not once has it failed. He's not SHIELD but he isn't Hydra either. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Bonjour Batroc." He takes a seat in front of you. He looks different, more relaxed. Not once have you seen him in shorts and a t-shirt before, but the weather here really doesn't give you much choice. " Bonjour, Melanie. Comment ça va?" one of your few fake identities that keep you hidden in the shadows and family safe. "Ça va bien et vous?" Just as he asked you how you are, you returned the favour. "Bein. You know I haven't heard from you in a while. Why now?" He said in his French accent.

"Straight to business, alright. What have you heard about the new serum on the market?"

"Not so fast ma cherie. You know everything comes at a price." You slide an envelope with 5k in cash across the table. Batroc starts to count the money before proceeding with the information "They are keeping it on a need-to-know basis. A Hydra head is leading it, with powerful, old hydra influence. " Before he continues you stop to ask him a question. " Do you know who?" Batroc just shakes his head. " No, very few people do. But what I do know is that the main base for operations is at these coordinates." He passed you a piece of paper with the coordinates written on it.

30.0444° N, 31.2357° E

"What about Dr. Nikolina Schröter?" You asked, wanting to know more about the new doctor who took over the work. There wasn't much you could find on her while doing shallow research on the internet. "She is not- '' before Batroc could finish his sentence something flew past both of your heads and landed in a nearby wall. It wasn't hard to identify what it was. With it being a red, white and Blue Vibranium frisbee that everyone knew it belonged to the one and only Captain America.

Batroc already left the scene not wanting to get caught by Rogers again, while you walked over to the shield to take it out of the wall. It was a quieter street so you didn't have to worry about causing too much of a commotion, most people were going about their day. The closer you get the more you can sense the fuming captain coming your way. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. Rogers couldn't wrap his head around why you had to defy everyone and everything. His fingers encircled your arm and dragged you to the dark alley to have a private chat. Rogers pushes you firmly against the wall so hard that all the air is removed from your lungs, causing you to release a sharp gasp.

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