Chapter 23

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So sick: Star cast

So sick of love
I've been giving all of me
You've been giving none of you
It's feeling like eternity, Somebody tell me what to do

The morning sun shines through the windows directly hitting your sleeping face. Grumbling into the pillows, shifting around since you're awake, you don't feel a warm body next to you. You move your hands across the bed to feel for Steve but all that's left was a warm spot where he slept.

Lifting your head off of the pillow you scan the room for any signs of him. Your ears were the first to pick up the sound of the water running in the bathroom. "Come back to bed Steve." You whine snuggling back into bed, his scent lingering on the sheets. You felt the bed tip and arms bring you in closer.

You laid your head on Steve's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. "Today's the day." You didn't know what else to say. "Today's the day." He repeats your words, keeping you close drawing random shapes on your arm. You hand reached up to feel the coarse stubble just to find it smooth. You look up to find that his stubble was gone. "You shaved?" Your hand rubs over his chin and cheek where it used to be rough, is back to the smooth baby bottom. "Well if I am made, I need to look like the golden boy."

"But the beard is a perfect disguise." Rubbing your nose along his cheek you missed the roughness that was there. He chuckles at your behaviour. "I'll grow it back out. If you want.  Maybe a full beard this time." You definitely liked the sound of that.

After a few moments of being in bed, unfortunately, it was time to get out and start the day. You saw the box left on the nightstand, you changed out the earrings on your lobe with the ones Steve got you. They were stunning and fit beautifully with the others you had.

"Beautiful." Steve comes behind you wrapping his arms and leaning his chin on your shoulder. You meet his eyes in the mirror, smiling. "They really are." You thought he was talking about the earrings.

Steve turns you around to face him. "I wasn't talking about the earrings, Star."

"Oh-" He cut you off with a searing kiss. How he wished you could see yourself the way he saw you. Not the broken shell of a person with a rough past and a darker future. Not the soulless, ruthless, cold and calculating agent. Not a person someone doesn't look twice at. But rather someone who is strong and cares to a fault. Someone he could spend hours studying their features, never tiring. Trying to replicate on paper but know he could never do justice to the real thing. 

"I love you Y/N."

"Love you too Steve."

You head down to the hanger hand in hand with Steve to find everyone else there. "Took you love birds long enough. Let's get this started shall we." You've said it once and you'll probably say it a couple thousand more times Tony Stark has no patience. "Calm down Stark we have all the time in the world. Literally have a Time Machine." You smugly said, wrapped into Steve's side, your arm around his waist and his around your shoulder.

"Clearly you're Clint's kid." Tony points out similarities in the mannerisms between you and Clint. "And Peter is clearly your son. What's your point?" You feel the vibrations of Steve trying to contain his laugh. "Does no one see it? The clear love child of Natasha and Clint."

"Are we going to get the party started or are you just gonna keep talking?" Leaning against the doorway Clint had a giant smirk plastered on. He loves messing with the billionaire every chance he gets. "Is it mess with Tony day? Cause I'm not enjoying it. Also just remember who pays for everything and fixes your arrows Barton." Clint puts his arms up in surrender not willing to find out what Tony has in store for pay back. He loves when his arrows blow up in other people's faces, not his own.

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