Chapter 19

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Butterflies: Kacy Musgraves

Kiss full of color, makes me wonder where you've always been
I was hiding in doubt 'til you brought me out of my chrysalis
And I came out new
All because of you

The sun beats down, as it shines in the crystal clear sky. Not a cloud in sight, people decide to take advantage of the nice late spring day. The dings of machines and screams of joy sound through the air. Kids run from one attraction to another with parents following closely by. Young couples and friends hanging out enjoying their teenage years.

There you find yourself walking hand in hand with the person who makes every colour look brighter and every smell, smell better. Enjoying the free time you have away from missions with each other. Each other's company was all you ever needed.

And Sam, Nat and Bucky.

Inviting themselves to what was supposed to be a date now turned into impromptu hang out with those children. Nat and Bucky just about played and won every single game but what else would you expect from two trained assassins. Sam on the other hand was happily accepting the giant plush toys. Giving most of them to kids that lost the games and had pouts plastered to their faces. He just kept a giant Falcon that he refuses anyone to touch. Even named it redwing jr.

"This wasn't how this day was supposed to go." Steve squeezed your hand. You should be annoyed that your friends decided to intrude on your day. Yet you couldn't find yourself to care. Not when you are side by side with the one you want to be with. "It's okay Steve. As long as I am with you, the others don't matter."

Right when he leans in for a kiss Sam wedges himself in between and he ends up kissing Sam's cheek instead. "That's sweet Steve, but how dare you say we don't matter." Sam lightly pushes you, slightly offended.

"Well you did kinda ruin our date." You tried to reach for Steve's hand but Sam was still in the way wedging himself. "Hey it wasn't my idea. It was the two spies you two call friends." Sharing a knowing look with Steve you wonder where those two actually were. They had a special place within your hearts but also a interesting relationship with each other that only you two seemed to notice.

"Where are they anyway?" Sam speaks your thoughts turning around trying to find Nat and Bucky. "We're right here bird brain." Sam jolts at the suddeness of Bucky's rough voice behind him. Bucky had own arm around Nat and the other carrying a tray with 4 colourful shulshes while Nat already has her's in her hand.

You all sat down at a nearby table with drinks and food in hand. Even though it may not have been the date you have planned, you still get to enjoy the greasy food and attractions. "These disguises you guys have going on are kinda bad. You guys look like yourselves but at a baseball game." You said as you were the only one not wearing the ridiculous cap. Sunglasses were a different story considering how bright it was outside.

Your paranoia would cause you to create elaborate disguises where you don't look like yourself. There was a difference however. With their disguises they were shielding away from the everyday civilian. While you hid from trained spies, assassins, cameras and anyone who wanted you dead. People who knew what to look for. Wigs and coloured contacts were the way to go.

Of course not doing any of that since you doubt there would be anyone trying to kill you at the fair.

"They work. No one knows who we are and we don't have to do anything drastic." Your boyfriend argues beside you as he steals one of your fries. Something he loves to do. There was a natural habit you had with Steve. Learning so much in a little amount of time thanks to the late night talks you shared. Falling into a routine everything felt right. Like this was where you were meant to be. Beside the one you were bound to.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now