Chapter 26

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Ugly heart: G.R.L

Okay you're pretty
Your face is a work of art
Your smile could light up New York City after dark
Okay you're Coverboy pretty
Stamped with a beauty mark
But it's such a pity a boy so pretty
With an ugly hear

Flashback in Italics 

"Come on Bishop. We're not done yet." Kate groans getting up from the ground after you pinned her for the umpteenth time. You needed a distraction after weeks of chasing the leads, the trail ran cold. It wasn't hard to fall back into the same routine of jumping from one place to another, working until your brain was fried and pumping your bloodstream full of coffee.

You felt the darkness bleeding through. This time slower. You felt less alone with the Avengers tagging along. Every mission or all-nighter you find yourself with a companion. It was their way of making sure you didn't lose yourself.

But was it enough?

There was still this longing feeling deep inside of you. As if you were trapped underwater being pulled away from the light blue at the safety of the surface down into the dark bottom of the ocean where there was no light, life or hope. The longing to be pulled back up and see the crystal clear blue. To the blue, you were bound to.

"When you said you were taking me away from my training I thought we'd do something fun. Not more training." You laugh at Kate's fruitless complaining. "How about this? You pin me down and I'll talk to Tony about making you an avenger." There was pure joy in her features. It's all she wanted after helping Clint deal with his past.

Standing in the start position you give Kate the benefit of the doubt and punch first. Already having knowledge in martial arts and archery she was placed in the highest level of recruits, only a few more months until the placement test. With Clint wanting to actually retire unless it's the end of the world, there was no doubt she would be filling his spot but it didn't mean she didn't have to train to get there.

Kate blocks your first punch and dunks under the second which she used to her advantage, going from defence to offence. She missed the fact that you brought your leg up and kicked her side. Blocking your second kick she went back to the offence. "When I hit you, don't just block them. Use my momentum against me."

You saw her taking in your words but she hasn't yet done anything with the information. You keep on fighting back and forth with Kate going a little easy on her but she could hold her own. You throw a punch for it to be intercepted by Kate. She keeps a hold on your arm, twists her body and flips you over.

It was a good tactic but she made the mistake of not immobilizing you. Given an opening, you lifted your legs off the ground and used them to flip Kate up and over your head down to the ground. She groans in disappointment at being so close. "Good job Bishop." You give her your hand to help her up onto her feet. "But I didn't pin you."

"Close though. Don't be hard on yourself, none of the actual avengers can pin me down." She looks at you, not believing that. You convince her that it's the truth.

You hear a snicker from the equipment side of the room where you saw Rogers and Carter. "That's not true. I remember pinning you down once or twice." You heard his voice with a teasing tone. He couldn't be mentioning the times you've slept together. Right?

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now