Chapter 20

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Imagination: Star Cast

You like to lay your body down, next to me
You know I like to play around, such a tease
Maybe one day it can go down, how we think
Don't lose your concentration
Use your imagination

The compound has become a labyrinth of thick walls and technology. Carefully you monitor the perimeters and your only vantage point behind a foam block. You wipe the sweat off your brow and calm the heaviness of your breathing.

It's silent, almost too silent. No footsteps or clicks of weapons. No breaths or murmurs. The comms were completely quiet. Keeping your back pressed against the wall to keep it guarded. There was no one you could trust anymore. Everyone with ulterior motives and a desire to win.

A cold breeze went past you. Looking to your left then right it was still empty. Reaching a corner you look past it seeing a shadow. Not knowing who since they were turned around. It was either you or them and like hell, it was going to be you. All you hoped for was that your relationship with them wasn't tarnished after this. You're backstabbing them. Literally.

Check your surroundings once more before you pull out your gun and shoot them. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the first person is down," Starks yells over the comms. "Sorry Vision." You say sincerely. He dismisses your apology saying it was just the nature of the game.

As a training exercise, the avengers decide one day of each month they would play games. This month is paintball. With Stark industry's state of the art technology, a whole floor was cleaned out and transformed into a battlefield. "Make that three down. Wanda, Thor off you go."

There was no surprise those three were down first. They rely on their powers, not so many on weapons or sneaking around. One of the main reasons training days like this exist. To improve on aspects outside of everyone's comfort zone. Sometimes those would include days without any technology or the opposite.

You see an overhang which you quickly hide under knowing that Clint might be above. He was always somewhere high and far away. Claimed he saw better from a distance. There was never any question about where he got his name from. Crouching behind a box you saw Peter stuck onto the ceiling. It was better if you kept it small and out of the way.

You heard two shots, then Stark's voice. "There's another one gone. Sorry, spidey." You look from your hiding spot to see that in fact Peter got shot twice. You didn't shoot therefore there was someone else close by. Moving backwards you felt that there was a false wall behind you with a tiny opening.

Crawling through you managed to get to another part of the terrain. You saw your next two targets. War Machine and Iron man. Taking out your second paintball gun you shot both at the same time. "Which one of the spies got us? I'll place my money on Clint." Stark says as he makes a vet with himself. "Wrong." You quietly speak through the comms not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself. "You owe yourself now $15 billion sir." Friday says over the intercom. "And I'm good for every virtual penny."

"Mini Barton," Rodney exclaims. "Hiya Colonel." You say his rank the way it's spelt. It's one of the words you hate the most in the English language. Where is the r.

Now all who were left were the soldiers and spies.

There was silence again. The air was thick with the promise of victory. A victory that would be yours. Moving from your spot you keep quiet and you keep down low. Always guarding your back not leaving any points open. This was an everyday mission. The only difference is that you're not hunting down Hydra but Avengers.

You see something flash in the corner of your eye. Bucky's arm. Making yourself smaller than you already are behind a block you see another reflection of the light hitting the vibranium. Next thing you know you heard the click of two guns followed by two groans. "Sam and Bucky are now out." Tony's bored voice informed the rest of the players. "Can we get a move on people? Your professionals."

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