Chapter 31

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Unlove you: Star Cast

Baby, I've tried but I can't unlove you

You know you got your hooks in my soul

Feels like I'm dying slowly all because you

And your love will never let me go

Steve couldn't seem to do anything right, not when it came to you. First, he was rude to you, mainly because he didn't know if he could trust you. He was undeserving of the kindness that you showed him. He couldn't even muster up a single thank you. Sarah Rogers would be disappointed. Then he's a total asshole who should have been put in his place. Who did he think he was undermining your skills for that long? Once he managed to stop being an idiot and finally get the girl he has been dreaming about for months after their first interaction he screws up again. And again and again.

Sighing to himself he swirls the glass around watching the amber liquid spin in a tornado-like motion. The alcohol did nothing to him, thanks to the serum's fast metabolism but it didn't mean he couldn't feel the burn going down his throat. He wasn't certain how long he was sitting there but he was aware of how late it was at night. Thanks to the soft green glow of the time posted on the stovetop clock he knew it was 3:30 am. Steve usual would be getting up in a few hours but what was the point when he couldn't fall asleep.

At this time the was only one particular soul was awake. "Jesus, Capsicle what happened to you." Steve heard his footsteps, his heartbeat before he was even close to him. "I fucked up." Steve's eyes stayed glued to his drink but his ears followed Tony's footsteps rounding the island reaching for a glass for himself. "Well if you are using that type of language I'm sure you did." Tony has been using the same joke from a slip-up for years now. He should really get some new material. Any other day Steve would crack a small smile but he can't get the look of disappointment on your face when you asked him to leave.

"It has something to do with Y/N, doesn't it?" Stark steered the conversation into a more serious tone after seeing how much this was eating at Steve. "I kissed her. She was vulnerable and I kissed her. I wanted to make things better for her, not worse." Sitting beside Steve, Tony places his hand on Steve's shoulder in a reassuring way. "Men usually mess up when it comes to the women they love." Tony starts off. "People have different explanations on why that is. But I think it's because we are so worried about messing up that causes us to do so."

"So how do I fix it?" Steve was concerned that he screwed up big time and that he would lose you forever. If he was in your shoes he wouldn't give himself a second glance let alone a second chance. You were different. You told Steve that you could never hate him and not so deep down you knew you still loved him. "I mucked up more times than I can count with Pepper but when I did I admitted what I did and paid for it later." Tony took a drink of water, surprisingly before he went on. " Now I never went back to an old fling." Steve glared at Stark for him to shut his mouth and not mention his mistake. "It's gonna take time Steve. Show her how much you love her. Re-earn her trust, her love. Let her feel safe with you again."

"How?" Tony shook his head. " I can't give you that the answer. Not because I know it and want to see you struggle. But it's because I don't know Y/N. You do." Steve starts to think of ways to make him yours again but everything seemed like it wasn't enough to win you back. "Luckily for you, Y/N is a person who seems to believe in second chances but it's not going to be easy." Steve absorbed every word coming out of Tony's mouth. He was right about that. It's one of the many reasons Steve loves you and always will. The fact that you see people for who they really are and won't give up on them. Sure it could come from the fact that you were given a second chance or you were influenced by Clint. But Steve knows that it's all you.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now