Chapter 22

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Fools: Foster, Sarcastic Sounds, and Sody

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
And I can't help falling in love with you

"Steve put me down." You squirm and wiggle in his hold but it was pointless. Not that you minded being carried by the big hunk, you just didn't understand the big fuss. "You're injured. And when I said I would be taking care of you I meant it." He was overreacting on the being injured part. You stepped on some uneven ground when you were walking to the jet and your ankle twisted a bit.

It wasn't sprained or broken but Steve insisted on carrying you the rest of the way to the jet, then off of it and into the compound. You lean your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around his neck knowing that he wasn't going to put you down just yet. He keeps looking where he was going, straight ahead, giving you a perfect view of his profile.

You could see just how long his eyelashes were, his pointed nose and strong jaw that was now covered in a bit of stubble. He let himself relax and let go while at the homestead. It was the most relaxing you have ever seen him and it looked good on him. Being calm and having facial hair.

As he steps in the elevator he tightens his grip around you. Early on you learned that Steve has slight claustrophobia when he is trapped in a small space alone for a period of time. Having flashbacks of how he felt crushed under the ice for so long. It's why he showers are always so hot or why he needs your warmth on the elevator ride.

The ride was quick up to the common floor where the usual commotion was heard. This time there was a difference when you heard a distinct 'bloody hell.' And saw a tall blonde and her shorter dirty blonde ex-husband/boyfriend.

Jumping out of Steve's arms you ran towards two friends you haven't seen in some time. "Bobbi, Hunter I haven't seen you two in forever. What are you doing here?" As much as you're excited to see them there was a reason why you didn't have contact with them.

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't important." Bobbi said as she gave you a folder that had a giant red classified stamp on top. It doesn't matter that they are no longer agents, some habits die hard. Tentatively you open the folder worries what you were going to find on the inside.

Picture upon pictures of the Vita-ray chamber designed by Howard for project rebirth. You knew they were using something similar considering you were tracking the energy signals. But this looks too similar to the actual thing. You were silent for too long. The others started to worry. "What's wrong?" Steve places a hand on your shoulder.

Turning around you show him the images. "Look familiar." He grabbed the folder from your hands inspecting the images as if they were forgery. The images were too crisp to clean to be taken in the past and the giant obvious Hydra symbol was a dead give away on who has it. "When were these taken?" Steve asks anyway even though he knows the answer. "Two days ago."

"Aren't you two supposed to be on your honeymoon ." You said with a smirk. "Well when there's a bloody nazi organization making a freaking army you'd bloody believe we'll help." Oh how have you missed Hunter and his britishness but now was definitely not the time for reminiscing.

Tony snatches the papers from Steve doing the exact same thing. "This is too similar to be a copy. Friday?" He mumbles the first part more to himself while shouts the latter.

"The chamber is still locked up sir." The AI's voice echoes throughout the silent room. "Then why does this look like a carbon copy of my fathers chamber?!" That was the question. "Time travel." Blatantly said by Dr. Strange who came out of a portal and shortly after Loki appeared.

"Why am I not surprised you're alive brother?"

"We have much to discuss about that but later. There are more pressing matters at hand." How you wished you could slap the god silly a few times, maybe see how well the ICERS hold up against a god for what he has done to your father. But he was right there were more urgent issues to be addressed.

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