Chapter 4

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Bad girls: M.I.A and Rye Rye

Live fast, die young

Bad girls do it well

Live fast, die young

Bad girls do it well

New York City. People say it's the place where dreams are made into a reality. Clearly, those people have never been to New York City or more specifically the not-so-nice parts. The thing about New York is that it has a very strange smell. You either learn how to live with it or leave, but no one really ever leaves. The more you stay the more you find its secrets and take out the crime you almost feel safe.

The nights are even worse. Women can't safely walk down the street. Either they are catcalled or seen as nothing more than objects for men. Truly disgusting. That's why you constantly check the narrow alleys for any danger. Might as well as help someone in need even if you are there for another reason.

Finally, you reach your destination. The neon sign with the bar's name was so brightening that it almost blinded you.

The Up in smoke bar was one of the last Hydra clubs left. It was under SHIELD's constant surveillance but you were one of the very few people who can still enter.

It was an old, run-down bar. Everything was the same dark mahogany wood. There were photos of the owner and some of the most powerful heads of Hydra back when it was what it was. Now the only people who come here now are those who have been screwed over. By anyone really. Hydra, SHIELD or the Avengers, they come here and drink their problems away with cheap alcohol.

That's when you spot your target. Dr. Anton Gantzmann. He is a middle-aged man, already balding. Judging by his posture and jittery legs he is stressed and whatever job he has doesn't allow him to take breaks. Probably why he is divorced, seeing the tan line around his ring finger. Gantzmann was also muttering something under his breath. You couldn't make it out but it was clear he was pissed.

You sat down a couple of seats away from him to not draw too much suspicion. You call over the bartender."Give me something strong?" The bartender places a shot of Balkan 176 Vodka in front of your face. This was going to be the one and only shot you were going to take that night, you needed the doctor drunk enough to take not the other way around.

"Rough day," Ganztmann asked. "You wouldn't believe it" you drank your drink then looked him in the face. "Oh my god you're Dr. Anton Gantzmann, I have heard so much about your work." He seemed to be pretty shocked that you knew who he was but you could also see his ego just soaring through the roof. "So you have heard of me." He is testing you, but you're not a rookie. You did your homework. "Of course. Your work with the serum and biological development is amazing."

"At least someone thinks so." He muttered into his drink, thinking that you didn't hear him. You did and this was your window to get the information you needed. "What do you mean?" Anton's face reddens from the embarrassment of you hearing him and starts choking on his drink.

"Well, I got my new serum taken away from me by some Hydra heads." You gave him a fake look of sincerity and asked the bartender for two more drinks. Gantzmann downed it while yours stayed untouched. The further into the night went the more information you got out of him until he was too drunk to think. At this point, he was just a babbling mess, seconds away from passing out. Still, you managed to get more than enough.


It's early in the morning when you get back to the compound. The sun is rising and the birds are beginning to come back since it's warming up. One of your favourite times of the day when everything is peaceful. It's a new beginning, a fresh start. The sun comes out, illuminating the sky after being consumed by the darkness for so long. Wanting to warm up the earth brings it to life.

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