Chapter 8

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The Black Velvet Band - The Dubliners

All night you have been tossing and turning in bed. Million thoughts going through your head, about the mission, about the serum, about after everything and worse of all about the same colour a blue that has wedged itself into your life. You turned around and saw the time said 4:38 am. Might as well get up. It was early on a regular day but considering the party yesterday everyone might get a late start meaning you had a few peaceful, uninterrupted hours to yourself.

You make your way down to the weaponry to grab everything you might need for the mission and set them up to clean and sharpen. You put your headphones in and are transported to a different world. So gone that you don't even realize that you are not alone.

"¡Puta madre! ¡Joder! That hurts." You exclaimed as you accidentally cut yourself while cleaning one of your smaller knives. From behind you hear a cackle. That's when you see that you are not the only one awake anymore. "¡No uses ese lenguaje! The Captain doesn't like it very much." You turn around to see the insomniac playboy barely awake with a coffee mug and his usual clothing choice.

"Yes I know Spanish, you spies aren't the only multilingual people in this place," He said, clearing the bewilderment off your face, as went to sit beside you to see what you were doing. "It's not that I just assumed you would speak one of those stuck-up rich people languages like French." You retaliated.

"Who says I don't. Also, I know Italian." He kept an eye on you as you were meticulously working on cleaning every crevice and sharpening to perfection. "Can't sleep-" He asked while drinking his coffee. You shook your head in response. Tony didn't ask for any more detail. Everyone in the compound had trouble sleeping and you were grateful that for once you weren't bombarded by a million questions. "Let me guess your brain won't turn off" he continued his previous sentence.

"That and the fact that I would be switching times zones like ten times on a regular basis."

"If I had known you were awake I would have made you a cup." He said motioning to his cup of coffee. "That's fine I got this." You show him your cup which is almost the size of your head. "That's not a mug. That's a pot." The two of you shared a laugh at his exaggeration. " I got Clint a bigger one for his birthday last year." You added. You could see the shock in his face trying to imagine a coffee mug that big. "I people say I am the coffee addict." He mumbled into his cup before falling back into a comfortable silence.

Stark's eyes then glanced over to the table looking over at the various things littering the table. "What's this?" He asked as if he was a young child not knowing much about the world, holding the only gun-looking thing on the table. "An ICER." You say without looking up.

"So it freezes people."

"No, it stands for Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns. They are the standard non-lethal weapon for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.  It's made from a concentrated dendrotoxin formula. Should be able to take down the Hulk."

"Cool. Nice Acronyms." He started touching more of the weapons asking. Even more questions. Then he reaches out for the contact lens pack that was beside you. "Didn't know you wore glass."

"I don't. Those are I.R.I.S. Intelligent Retinal Interactive Systems. Pretty much like your glasses except more discreet." Stark started at them fascinated with the technology that goes behind compacting the internet into something so small. "Who designed this?" "Fitzsimmons." You continued to give short answers still exhausted from yesterday and trying to get in the mind space for the mission. "Mind if I analyze the specks." you motion with his hand that he could do whatever he wants with them and to leave you to finish this before the mission.

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