Chapter 18

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My type: Star

I could be your only girl
I could be your whole damn world
We could get lost in it

Never catch you looking at other girls
You tell me I'm right when I know I'm wrong
Rambling again but you wanna know

Warning 18+: Smut

There wasn't much at the base in Argentina. It was as if they raided the Avengers compound. Just enough security to keep intruders out and the occupants safe. People training, tending to wounds, recharging. Stuff the avengers did on a basis. They could have confused it for a SHIELD base if it wasn't for the Hydra insignia plaster on the walls, doors and uniforms.

Steve and Tony were coming back home two days earlier than planned with a few soldiers and innocent people Hydra took hostage for an experimentation. It turns out that Hydra was running out of willing participants demonstrating that they will go to extreme lengths to get their army. Forcing more pressure on you and the Avengers to get this job done faster before any more are hurt.

Anxiously waiting for the jet to land you are bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet as if that would make time go faster. "Would you stop that? Sheesh, he's been gone 4 days and you're like a lovesick puppy." Barnes says beside you. He was waiting for the jet as well, in charge of taking the prisoners. On your other side Banner and Cho are conversing about treating any wounded victims.

Hoping they may be of help in better understanding what Hydra's plan is as well as seeing if anyone was injected. It all has to been done carefully, unsure of what they have went through and what torture they might have sustained.

"Shut it Barnes." Truth be told you were close to being a love sick puppy. You went from having the best sleep in your life back to the nightmare infested nights. There was something about being in Steve's hold that turned off any intrusive thoughts coursing through your brain. The gentleness he held you with, a get less you should be reveiceing considering the things you have done, helped you stay grounded. Without him they came back, with him in them this time. Some were vivid and you thought they were real which made you worry about Steve's safety all the more.

As soon as the land Steve was the first one instantly pulling you into his arms. He ever so slightly lifted you off of the ground and spun around. Clearly you weren't the only one who missed the other. "Hi Star." Absolutely having no idea where the nickname came from you still enjoyed hearing it. "Hi shnookums." You gleamed at him, happy to be back in his arms again.

"I thought you'd be in bed." He says looking into your eyes. God did he love your eyes. There was just something about them that made you entirely you. "Couldn't wait to see you."

"Is that right? What do you say, we have our date tonight." He suggests. You're still in his arms and legs wrapped around him as he carries you to your room. A bit hesitant on him carrying you, you tried wiggling out of his grasp. He tightened his hold unphased by your movements. "Are you sure? You just got back, aren't you tired." You protest, caring about his health.

Steve gave you a look, one that can be described as his captain's face morphed with the puppy eyes he gave so that he could steal your fries. Commending and pleading. A look that made you cave, mumbling fine into his neck.

Suddenly you stopped and were right in front of your room. "Be ready at 8. And by the way, the restaurant you suggested." The last time you were in Argentina there was this one place that served Dulce de leche, it was absolutely delicious. You had to let Steve know about it even if you weren't bringing him. "Best thing I have ever had."

He left shortly after that, leaving it to your own devices to get ready. Running into your bathroom to clean up, you asked FRIDAY to call Nat and Wanda over after your shower if they weren't busy. But who were you kidding? Natasha would drop everything to come and help you.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now